Looking for drum (not taiko) class recommendations?

Tokyo based and wanting to learn drum classes. English or Japanese teacher is ok. Beginner.
Tried one guy who operated independently, lots of exp but didn’t really have much direction on how class should run.
Tried Tsubaki school but lots of paperwork and rules, also seems expensive.

  1. I use Noah Music School for bass lessons, and I’ve been really pleased with them. They have branches all over the place.

    The one I go to (Fudomae) has a nice studio with a full kit. I would assume the others do too.

    I don’t speak Japanese but it was surprisingly hassle-free to set up the lessons and get on a recurring plan. Teacher does not speak English but between my remedial Japanese and his English we figure it out and it hasn’t been an issue. In fact I have been learning a lot and noticeably improving.

    The monthly plan I am on also allows you access the studio whenever you want outside of lesson times to practice, which would be great for drums (I don’t really need to do this for bass guitar as I can practice at home).

    I’d recommend stopping in if you have one close by and seeing what you think!

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