Can a Merukari seller change the price after I buy it?

Can a merukari seller change the price after I pay for it? The seller had one thing to sell and an additional two items (for 100 yen and 50 added to the initial price) I commented and said that I would be happy to buy all of the items and they haven’t replied in almost an entire week. Are they waiting on me? Should I just click to buy it and let the seller figure themselves out after? I thought I was supposed to wait for them to make me a special listing or change the price.

  1. Usually, when you offer a bulk buy and the seller accepts it, the seller will create a new listing dedicated to you. If the seller doesn’t respond to your offer, maybe they are not interested in the offer or are not serious about selling it in the first place.

  2. If you’re buying multiple listing as 1, you need to wait for the seller to make a new listing for all the items. If you don’t it’s going to count as you buying the single thing

  3. What were the exact words you used to say that you will buy it in Japanese?

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