Preparing and curing $6 grocery salmon for sushi

Preparing and curing $6 grocery salmon for sushi

Preparing and curing $6 grocery salmon for sushi
by u/kawi-bawi-bo in sushi

  1. Quick notes:

    * Sorry for the watermark, let me know if there’s a less intrusive way to have it on there
    * this was $5.97/lb, per fillet was about $8 at safeway
    * Breaking down 2 fillets yielded 12 saku (blocks). Final cost came out to $1.67 per block or $0.83 per serving
    * The curing was 45 min in the fridge
    * Sea salt or kosher salt is preferred, but I use table salt (am cheap)
    * The washing phase is 2 step to remove all remaining salt and sugar
    * The frozen ones are good for about 1 month in the freezer. I defrost overnight in the fridge usually. If in a rush you can place the bag in a bowl of ice water

  2. ” I don’t have any shiso so let’s use lemon”??????? How is a nettle even close to a lemon? anyway, you wouldn’t pair salmon with Shiso.

    Pro tip from someone who knows. You can use onion slices, avocado, and mayonnaise. If you have it, add some ponzu. That’s how you eat salmon sashimi.

  3. Sorta feels like it’s missing a step? Like I can’t imagine it being firmed up much after only a few minutes of salt and sugar cure?

  4. Where did you get the plate/bowl with the lettering on it? I found three that look just like it at a thrift store some time ago and love them, but I have no idea where to fill out the set!

  5. Love your videos! Two quick questions – is the farmed salmon you buy previously frozen? Just wondering what’s safe to use. And secondly, do you cover the salmon in plastic wrap before putting in the fridge or leave it uncovered for texture/curing purposes?

  6. do you put the salt and sugar on both sides? what does the curing do? i find that when i buy salmon and eat it sometimes it has a bit of an weird taste, does that get rid of it?

  7. Best part of the whole salmon thing is that it’s not authentic sushi. It’s on the same level as California Rolls. So enjoy it but don’t expect to have it served at a reputable sushi bar.

  8. Unless someone can cite where curing provides an exception, the FDA still recommends freezing at certain temps/duration to kill any potential parasites. I doubt restaurants could legally sell fish prepared this way.

  9. This guy has a thing where he rolls a die and makes whatever the corresponding ingredient list says. Does he have a YT channel?

  10. Farmed salmon marketing team really has done a great job making people think that farmed is as good as wild caught despite the fact that it just isn’t. And it destroys natural fisheries. And the meat would be grey if they didn’t add unnatural color. Pretty disgusting stuff now watch them downvote me into oblivion

  11. My man out here wearing a Kirkland T-Shirt making legit sushi, can’t say enough good things. Great work 👍

  12. I’m always too scared to do this. I think what did it for me was when I prepped this filet of salmon I had gotten from Safeway. It had visible parasites in the flesh still moving. Barf

  13. I thought you could only use “sushi grade” salmon for this. Heard that eating raw salmon was too risky if not sushi grade.

  14. This is the dumbest shit. You need to have a sushi grade fish for any sushi. This is just a death trap hack.

  15. Hmm I always thought sushi grade fish had to be flash frozen. How is this sushi grade? I need a lesson pretty please!

  16. Living in a parallel universe where salmon is practically free! Care to share the location secrets?

  17. Wait you can’t just use grocery store salmon raw? How have I not died yet?

  18. You fucking stupid ass doesn’t understand the safe handling aspect of the grade. Have fun with the mess of shit coming out of both ends of your body.

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