Please check one day of my itinerary :) Kyoto/Nara

we’ll be traveling to multiple areas of japan in august, staying in kyoto for 3 nights, so \~3.5 days. one day we’ll be spending in nara, and i thought it’d make sense to combine the nara day trip with fushimi-inari because both are going south of our hotel.

still not sure which i wanna do first; either way, fushimi inari is right in the middle of the hotel and nara, so the order doesn’t matter. either we’d

\-head to fushimi inari early morning, do the walk up to the viewing area (unless we’re too hot and tired, then we’ll just stop and go back; that view isn’t a dealbreaker)

\-grab some of the nice street food from the vendors i’ve heard about outside the shrine (btw, are these vendors open early and late? that might help with whether we should do fushimi or nara first)

\-hop on the train continuing going southward to nara

\-then we’ve got all the nara activities: the few temples in the park, the deer, the mochi making demonstration, there are plenty of amazing restaurants i see, isu-en garden if we have time, and just walking around, sitting, relaxing, exploring the area

\-then head back to kyoto and either go to the hotel or if we have energy maybe walk around more, but we have other nights for that as well

now if we reverse the order and do nara first, of course we’d get off at the train for fushimi and do that, likely it’d be around sunset which would be nice but i know the stairs and the hike may be hard to navigate in the dark on the way back


so please let me know if it’s both realistic to do these two in one day, and any suggestions on the order! we have 1.5 days for exploring the rest of kyoto (one day is taken up for osaka and outskirts of osaka), but i feel like i need to explore the other temples and shrines for the entirety of those other times. that’s why i was thinking to combine fushimi and nara as they’re both going south. my two friends and i are active people used to walking in our own city a lot, and we’ll rest and hydrate a lot as it’ll be august weahter, so i’m not too worried energy-wise. let me know! thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. always do the Fushimi Inari first to beat the crowd. It starts to get crowded at around 7:30. The vendors are open early in the morning, specially after your hike up into the mountain.

    Use Nara Line to Nara from Fushimi Inari.

    Of your 3.5 days in Kyoto, schedule Nara in the 2nd so you dont have to hurry to your next hotel like if you would put it in your last day.

    August is either ultra hot summer or it is typhoon. Just check the weather.

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