Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 03 July 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. I use rental car. I noticed that the reverse guiding lines (red yellow blue) while backing the car are displayed/not displayed in the same evening. Is there any settings for that?

  2. Anyone got recommendations for shows or movies to watch on Prime video? Ideally in English.

    All I’m searching for is either Japanese, or need to pay, or whatnot.

    I wish there was an option to search all that is included in my subscription.

  3. Any recommendations for Brita like water filters that will fit onto the kitchen sink? Time to finally get one, Amazon links are great or product name/description from home center.

  4. If I need to get rid of items in a pinch, are the sayonara groups the way to go? Are there any other methods?

  5. Any recommendation to places for good American style pies in Tokyo? Preferably places that sell whole pies and not just slices.

  6. 1st question : In laws are able to give us some building land. How does Japanese law dictates constructible / property donations between parents and children?

    Back in France, if my parents gave me a land, they had to give my siblings anything worth the same price as the estimated price of the land. Or I myself should pay my sibling the same price. I wonder how it is in Japan, as I want to avoid as much as possible heritage troubles. The less heritage the better.

    2nd question: my parents are planning to come visit me next year, they want to rent appartement / house in deep countryside for few weeks. Is there any japanese keyword to look up for? I tried adding words like 週単位, without any much success. Edit : バケーションレンタル seems the be the closest keyword but results are all expensive, we are looking for something more normal…

  7. Any tips for climbing Mt. Fuji without sleeping? I’ve got family coming at the start of August who are insistent on going, but the huts are all fully booked.

    I know the few hours there are supposed to help you adjust to the altitude, and they’re so crowded and noisy you can’t really sleep that well. Could we get a similar benefit by taking an hour or so break at the 7th station and then some shorter breaks before and after?

  8. 1. How much does Bookoff pay for 買取 manga which I bought initially for ¥440?

    2. Apart from the Apple Store where do I go if I want to 下取り my Macbook Air 2019 for a new one?


  9. Why in gods name do so many people trim their nails at work? It’s disgusting.

  10. I’m doing an embroidery course that calls for cotton calico – while キャラコ is the equivalent Japanese, it doesn’t bring up much on Amazon etc. Would cotton シーチング be similar? Know anywhere online that’s most affordable? I need at least 60cm.

  11. My husband got rejected from applying for a solar loan.
    We just got a mortgage recently and so we thought might as well apply for a solar loan since we really wanted to install solar panels.
    Unfortunately, we didn’t think to include it on the original home mortgage as we only considered solar after we got the house and all.

    Anyway, my question is with the rejection, would it be wise to apply via another company (who will probably partner with another bank) in less than a year since rejection? Or better to wait longer?

    The solar company applied for a loan from SMBC. Our home mortgage is on SMBC so we assumed it would be easy to get approved. Both husband and I do not have PR yet (in 1 yr, we’ll start preparing). The solar company told us because we don’t have PR, we got rejected.

    This probably sounds stupid to a lot but it is under a stupid questions thread. TIA!

  12. So last Friday, I got reprimanded by my boss, which in itself is fine (well not really). I screwed up and caused some meiwaku. My grievance is not only that my boss sort of made comments about my character they reprimanded me in front of my coworkers. By character, I mean things like, “You really are slow,” “A normal Japanese person should be able to do this. Why can’t you?”. It was even during lunch time when almost everyone was in the office eating their bento,etc. He didn’t yell or anything but I’m sure people heard it.

    Of course, things got awkward and I felt people were walking on eggshells around me. I thought the weekend will reset things but today I can still feel the hesitation from my coworkers when they talk to me. And…I don’t know how to feel about it. I feel shitty. But I feel even more shitty knowing that my coworkers witnessed everything. It’s so embarrassing. In the few years that I’ve worked here, this is the first time that something like this happened.

    A friend of mine mentioned that this could be considered a power harassment but, I dunno, is it?

  13. For people who took JLPTN1 after N2: do you recommend going straight to N1 practice, or trying to brush up N2 to get closer to a +80% before starting N1 prep?

    Never thought I’d try N1 but kind of want to take the challenge now.

  14. I’m heading to the States this month and want an updated COVID booster. Is there any way to get updated COVID shots voluntarily? My city still seems to be using the distribution system that was in place during the initial rollout.

  15. Is it possible to travel to other country during visa renewal process?

    I already bought the ticket stupidity and the renewal process is kinda pushing close to my ticket date. I do plan to go back to Japan before the initial visa period expire thought. Just kinda anxious because this is my first time.

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