Weekly Weekend Thread – 03 July 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Saw the new Indiana Jones. Was very whelmed except for the first and last 30 minutes which were actually pretty good.

  2. Bonus Friday, Indy Saturday and sleep at the in-laws afterwards (with requisite mother-in-law beers), and mini-pool party in front of the house Sunday afternoon. Satisfying weekend.

  3. The CD/DVD player in my wife’s car died a while back, which is a bit of a deal when she has two kids by herself a lot. Saturday we all went on a drive, so I had a go at it.

    Googled the error message, which basically all said “you’re probably SOL”. So I gave my memory banks a good look through, active my Master Repairman skill, and…put a CD in upside down for a minute.

    This either forced the laser to go crazy and dislodge some dust or whatever, or I basically waterboarded it. Either way, it works fine, and the missus is finally on board with me ripping all her CDs and making a USB stick for music.

  4. Mostly played animal crossing (finally got all the bugs!!!) and pikmin, went to the clinic for treatment for my foot, rested at home a lot, did some job searching/updated my resume.

  5. – Received the paper that states that I can make an appointment for getting my mynumbercard. It’s been less than a month since my application so I’m surprised with the speed.

    – Bought ticket to fly back to my home country, 17 days there will feel great. France but very countryside so does not matter how chaos is in the cities, it does not impact much the deep countryside.

    – Tried the aloevera trick on mosquito bites. Did the job great.

  6. Spend the weekend getting ready for a meeting today. If I don’t “pass” the evaluation from the board members, I will be fired by the end of the month. So the stress during this past two days was off the roof.

    Not a fun weekend, that’s for sure.

  7. Loads of house-related stuff this weekend-

    – Went to a local plant shop, and spent way too much money on plants.

    – Watched the new Indiana Jones film. Meh.

    – Put up some outdoor security cameras.

    – Jet-washed the drive. Massively satisfying.

    – Put up a couple of guitar wall-hangers in the spare room.

    – Mowed the lawn. Probably should have done it before rainy season.

  8. I was just working, but

    I brought all my awase and hitoe kimonos to the cleaner . So excited to get them all back in September spic and span

  9. Packed most of Saturday.

    Sunday I put in 27km total on my bike. Went for a 90 minute ride in the morning, then went out again for lunch because I was craving Taco Bell.

    Between all that, watched the whole second season of The Bear.

  10. I’m trying to fix up a bike my friend inherited from a previous ALT and gave to me. It’s been left outside for goodness knows how long so it needs a lot of work. First things first, need to get air in the tires. The valve is unlike anything I’ve seen before so I was really struggling to get air in the tires. My neighbor saw me struggling and pulled up in his kei truck. He pumped up the tires, put oil on the (extremely rusty but I trust this inaka man) chain, brakes, and wheel nuts. It is now rideable. Another neighbor showed up to admire my garden and give me ice cream. My neighbors are really wonderful 😭

    On a side note, anyone have any ideas for what sort of gifts I can give them in return? I’ve given them handmade banana bread before but I’m not sure what else is good.

  11. Put wooden floor tiles on rooftop balcony, was trying to do some cable run for security camera however my body was kind of burning so probably will leave it to next week.

  12. Just got back from America where I managed to catch the A’s as they finally won a game during a painful, painful losing streak (no, I do not want to talk about the perfect game they lost after the fact.). Still pining for good craft beer and burritos the size of my face. I went from an odd marina fog induced cool dry week to my hot muggy tatami room. I’ve never slept as long in my life as I did this weekend. Good lord. Wife bought a ps5 while I was gone and I slept through most of her FFXVI playthrough.

  13. just moved in yesterday! anything fun happening this week that i could participate in? 🙂

  14. I had a lady and her daughter visiting at home. We used to take care of the same stray cats when we were neighbors in Setagaya ku and when we moved, we took one with us in our new apartment. They really liked her (female cat) but they were happy to let her go with us as they already have to take care of 9 other cats. So yesterday, it was 6 months they did not see her, very cute to see them happy, I think the cat recognized their voices or scent because usually, she hides when we have guests over but she instantly got out of the room to check them out.

  15. I took the JLPT N3. Having had a bit of time to process it, I’ll say one thing. Some people say the exam is useless, but the experience yesterday has definitely motivated me to put more work in!

  16. Mostly studying or at least trying to and eating. Trying out traverse.link because I felt that Anki was not working to help me visualize things the way I need to in order to remember them.

    Ran short distances (~800m) to and from a nearby conbini in my sandals ala barefoot/minimalist running. I thought it felt great+ think I’m going to do this more often

    Listened to a bunch of HK hiphop

  17. it was my birthday yesterday. my boyfriend was supposed to come to japan (he lives in the US) to celebrate it with me, and we were even planning to go to disneyland too. but thanks to the whole united airlines fiasco, he couldn’t make it. it was out of his control and i understand, but i’m just inevitably still sad about it.

  18. Got the movers to come in and haul my items to the new place. Crazy that they only charged 35k to move all of it!

    Got to also test the games on the JCOM internet that I initially complained about a week back. Gained a bit of latency but nothing too earth shattering, so it turned out pretty well after all. Here’s the speed I got on wired.


  19. Not technically the weekend but had a job interview on Thursday and another today. All Japanese which was a first for me. Mentally drained but a great experience. Got the Thursday job but will turn it down cos of the hours and because the boss only talked about opening an English school and not the job… Will hear about today’s result later in the week.

    More excitingly, I could do laundry for the first time in a while yesterday. Very satisfying!

    Been getting lots of cucumbers from the garden and making pickles. Nice and refreshing in this heat.

  20. First time reaching the top of Fushimi Inari! It was the first time climbing with people who didn’t give up halfway haha. Some old dude hunched all the way down to his knees climbed to the top and I used him to motivate my parents “if HE can do it…”

    Sidenote: found it interesting how much local dialect I hear in these places. If I were a local I would stay the hell away from these touristy places, but I guess you suck it up when you wanna pray.

    Also: I am a SUCKER for Japanese tourist traps.

  21. Spent the weekend packing and sending boxes for my move to Kanagawa 🙂 I’ve changed jobs which also means a change in location that I’m really looking forward to. I loved Okinawa a lot, but I can’t wait to be in a place with good public transport again.

    Also packed to take a quick trip back to Aus for a week and a half-ish before I start the new job. It’s been almost four years since I’ve seen my family so it’s probably about time.

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