When some guy called “Eddie Kingston” who isn’t even in the same block as you at the G1 speedwalks to your face at the presser and demands a future singles match because of how much he idolizes your mentor whom you somewhat despise.

When some guy called “Eddie Kingston” who isn’t even in the same block as you at the G1 speedwalks to your face at the presser and demands a future singles match because of how much he idolizes your mentor whom you somewhat despise.

  1. Taichi vs Kingston has long been a dream match of mine for sometime now, both due to my fondness for both men, with them both being perpetual underdogs who never shy away from a fight and both have a similar “arc” as it were of being held down by their fiery personalities and past experiences, along with Kingston’s love of the Four Pillars, especially Taichi’s mentor Kawada (also The Holy Emperor vs The Mad King has such a ring to it).

  2. ‘I came here to have a great time and I’m feeling so attached right now’

  3. I’m a bit out of this particular loop. Taichi was mentored by Kawada if I’m not mistaken? Why does he somewhat despise him?

    *Edited because it autocorrected to Tai Chi

  4. I was worried this wasn’t gonna happen when i saw they were in different blocks, but turns out I didn’t need to haha. Fuck yeah!

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