TOKYO: July Traffic Crackdown

Tokyo Metro Police are running a heavy traffic crackdown for all of July.

Fast machine translation:

**Speeding enforcement**

Date and time etc.

Time according to the actual traffic accident situation at the enforcement location

Location, etc.

Arterial roads, etc.

Download file Opens in a new window. [List of speed enforcement locations]( (PDF format: 102KB)


To prevent traffic accidents caused by overspeeding and because compliance with the speed limit has a significant effect on reducing the damage caused by traffic accidents, speeding enforcement will be carried out on the routes concerned.

**Enforcement at priority enforcement points**

Date, time, etc.

Time according to the actual traffic situation at the enforcement location, etc.

Location, etc.

Intersections, etc.

[Priority enforcement locations]( (list/map)


Enforcement is carried out at the relevant priority enforcement locations in order to improve compliance with traffic rules and safety awareness, and to prevent traffic accidents.

**Enforcement of crossing pedestrian obstruction offences**

Date, time, etc.

All day

Location, etc.

All over Tokyo


The Road Traffic Law stipulates that pedestrians have priority at pedestrian crossings: “When approaching a pedestrian crossing, vehicles, etc. must slow down so that they can stop before the crossing, unless it is clear that there are no pedestrians crossing. Also, when pedestrians are crossing or about to cross, they must pause before the pedestrian crossing and give way to the pedestrians.” This is stipulated in the law.
However, the reality is that many drivers of vehicles, etc., recognise that a pedestrian is about to cross at a pedestrian crossing in front of their vehicle, but proceed without stopping immediately before the pedestrian crossing. In order to raise awareness of pedestrian protection at pedestrian crossings and to prevent traffic accidents caused by pedestrian crossing obstruction violations, guidance and enforcement of pedestrian crossing obstruction violations at pedestrian crossings are implemented.

(NOTE: What this means is that if there’s a pedestrian IN the crosswalk, you will be ticketed for entering the crosswalk, even if you are passing BEHIND them. Wait until all pedestrians have fully cleared the crosswalk.)

**Enforcement at school crossings**

Dates and times

During the hours when children are going to and from school

Location, etc.

Routes to school, etc.


In order to ensure the safety of children and prevent traffic accidents, enforcement will be carried out in school zones and on school routes, etc., for violations such as crossing pedestrian obstruction and speeding, in addition to no passing violations.

**Enforcement of drunk driving**

Date, time, etc.

Time according to the actual state of drunkenness

Location, etc.

Around downtown areas, main roads, near highway entrances and exits, back streets, etc.


As the number of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving is increasing and fatalities are also on the rise, enforcement against drunk driving is being stepped up with the aim of eradicating drunk driving.

**Motorcycle enforcement**

Date, time, etc.

All day

Location, etc.
All over Tokyo


Due to the increasing number of traffic accidents involving motorcycles at and near intersections, enforcement will be carried out for intersection violations such as disregarding traffic signals and obstructing pedestrians crossing the road, as well as lane violations such as changing course and designated traffic lanes.

**Bicycle enforcement**

Date, time, etc.

All day


All over Tokyo


In view of the increasing number of traffic accidents involving cyclists who do not follow traffic rules and the growing demand for enforcement against dangerous riding, guidance warnings and enforcement will be given focusing on traffic violations such as disregarding traffic signals, failure to stop temporarily, passing on the right and passing on footpaths, which are directly linked to serious traffic accidents.

**Other enforcement**

In addition to the above, in order to prevent serious traffic accidents, various traffic guidance and enforcement measures are carried out according to the actual traffic accident situation and traffic conditions, such as enforcement during times of high accident frequency, random enforcement in ‘Zone 30’, ‘school zones’ and other residential roads, etc.

  1. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen, in particular, Taxis blow a red light, especially at the Omotesando 4 way where they love to do a U-Turn, an the police box RIGHT NEXT TO THE CROSSING…never does shit, even though it happens every few minutes.

    Seriously, at that spot, the entire police force of Japan could hit quota in a day.

  2. Drive backwards while texting and taking a dump in a potty, no problem. But go through a crossing after the pedestrian has crossed at a DESIGNATED LOCATION and we will have your bollocks for soup.

  3. Wish they’d do this in Osaka. The stuff drivers get away here is insane.

  4. I guess they didn’t meet their revenue collection quotas this past spring (when they usually do this), so now they need another round.

  5. Isn’t the rule here in Japan not to ‘impede’ or ‘interfere’ with a pedestrian at a crossing meaning that way before they arrive or after they’ve crossed you are free to advance? I think it’s ludicrous, the crossings here are far too dangerous, and in the UK you have to wait until someone is fully across (although many drivers don’t these days) but I thought that was the law in Japan. Please correct me if I’ve got this wrong.

    Edit: Just checked the JAF 2017 English guide and it says ‘don’t interfere’ but also says to give way to pedestrians crossing or about to cross. Giving way to a car would mean allowing a car to pass if advancing would cause it to slow/take evasive action etc so I’m none the wiser.

  6. Probably a good thing considering that the 特定小型原付 law is now valid. I imagine they’ll catch a bunch of new kickboard riders across Tokyo getting the rules wrong or just plain ignoring them.

  7. Will they be ticketing schoolkids on bikes for breaking the road rules? Methinks not.

  8. Now if only they would do something about all the idiots watching tv whilst driving. I mean it’s not like you really need to concentrate on the road ahead when driving.

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