Kyushu floods

Anyone else in Kyushu dealing with floods? I know Kumamoto is getting hit hard, they already announced evacuations for my part of the city due to risk of landslides

  1. Almost 10 years being a Fukuoka City resident here. It’s pretty much an annual event at this point. We see some intense rain, but rarely any flooding since we’re coastal. On the other hand, central Kyushu (southern Fukuoka, Kumamoto and western Oita) suffers a lot from being made up of huge valleys and being in the immediate vicinity of the Chikugo River.

    While Kyushu usually avoids huge earthquakes compared to other areas in the country, we are hit the most with typhoons and torrential rain. Take care and I hope you’ll be okay. Evacuation orders are usually for precaution and for people like the elderly or disabled who are unable to relocate to high ground quickly, so just stay updated with the situation and you should be fine.

  2. I’m fine here, but Hiji, near Beppu, got warnings for landslides. My city was fine. Just wet.

  3. This seems to be week with the heaviest rains every year (before Yamakasa in Fukuoka)

  4. Yep went to work this morning and was worried I’d not get home. Missed my normal bus because the flooded river required a 15min loop around to get around. Despite that all I was only about 40mins later then usual. Which I think is pretty good and thankfully on 5mins past my actual start time so didn’t have to take leave.

    Arrived drenched so that sucked. But its stopped raining raining here and my river is also tidal (high tide peak was 830 that also didnt help this morning).

    Originally I was wishing that I had a car, but considering the bus just drove through floodwaters ignoring the broken down cars, I’m kinda glad I didn’t have to drive. Also the cars of people in the apartments nextdoor were flooded in. Totally zero chance of getting their cars out. It was minimally knee deep.

    Most importantly, I hope every one stays safe!!

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