Lasik eye surgery

Hi ! im getting a laser eye surgery soon ( lasik ) at minami aoyama eye clinic in tokyo. Was wondering if any of you have good/bad comments and or any advice about lasik ! thanks

  1. Did it a few years ago and no issues other than dry eyes, which can be solved with eye drops. Procedure itself was quick and painless, but your eyes will be extremely sensitive afterwards. I couldn’t even look at my cellphone for a few hours so I just slept.

  2. I had “smile”(advanced version than Lasik) about 3 years ago. Results are same it’s just that chances of complications are reduced and little bit more costly than Lasik but it’s our eyes we are talking about.
    I wasn’t allowed to use any screens for 1 day. Little blurriness for couple of days but i was able to start my normal routine after 24 hrs. Eye drops you have to use for 2 weeks because your eyes will become dry. Doctor prescribed me some vitamin tablets. I had to take for 3 months. But i guess last part about vitamins was just a good to have.
    I am functioning fine for the last 3 years.

  3. Did it last december with another clinic. Went home, played games as usual but shorter time. Dry eyes for about a week but not painful at all. Drove normally after 1 week other than night glares at night, nothing major though. 1 month in and fully recovered.

  4. I did Lasik back in 2016.
    I went to 品川近視クリニック(Shinagawa Lasik Center).
    Initial tests took about 3 days and I did the surgery and was done in about 10 minutes.
    The doctor told me my deep set eyes (ほりが深い) will make the surgery a little bit harder but I had no problems.
    It cost me ¥420k JPY but I got 60k back since I referred my friend to them and he also did the surgery.

  5. Ooh, ooh! Tell us if you see the Galaxy during the procedure! I saw it during mine and was completely sober.

    Anyone else see it when they got theirs done?

  6. I go to that clinic because my doctor is there. I think it’s a good place. But I didn’t qualify for lasik. I’ll check if PRK possible.

  7. Got mine done at Shinagawa Lasik 2 weeks ago. No issues at all except I got dizzy during the eye checks before the actual procedure. Fast and painless, everything seems foggy after it’s done (My procedure was ay 5.00pm) but woke up with 20/20 vision the next day!

    Eyes may feel irritated so use the eye drops given to you and don’t rub them! Otherwise, no regrets and relax! 🙂

  8. It’s only a minute or so. My memories are mixed with the Doom soundtrack for that minute, and I remember the sights and smells more vividly than I wanted to.

    Anyway, as a real advice, take it easy during the first days. You have to take extra care and it will look sometimes like it was not that worth it, but it is only the first eyedrop days.

    I got it just before COVID, so it got so much worth it after a few weeks.

    Ah! And I found out through family that I tend to squint my eyes more, I guess to protect my eyes… I lost sensitivity in the center, so I tend to instinctively squint to protect them. Not used to the wind in my face without glasses, I guess.

  9. You’ll probably have dry eye for a year but it’s normal. Just grab medicine from the clinic you had the surgery

  10. I got lasik there a few years ago on the recommendation of a friend.

    One recommendation: if you’re bigger than average be sure they give you enough anesthetic eye drops. I felt the incision on my first eye. Was not pleasant to say the least. They upped the dose for my 2nd eye and was all good.

    Very happy with my new vision though.

    I saw night halos for the first month or so but those eventually go away. If they recommend custom lasik, go with that as it will minimize the halos (whether you need it depends on if you have astigmatism)

    Let me know if any other questions.

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