Baby Mukade in apartment

We live in Tokyo in a big Mansion, 8th floor. Never even seen a cockroach and kept it pretty clean. My girlfriend just encountered a baby Mukade in our apartment on the floor.
She immediately started about moving because she thinks there might be eggs that will hatch soon.

Is that worry justified or are baby Mukade encounters explainable in different ways? I am also a bit worried ngl

  1. Unless you live in a biodome, insects are a thing 😂😂. If you start seeing loads of them, then that’s different but just a one off… All good !

  2. You don’t need to move but you need to buy those things to block off your Aircon hoses if you haven’t already.

  3. You sure it’s a baby mukade (centipede) and not a full grown Yasude (millipede)?

  4. More likely to be a harmless yasude, not a mukade. You’d have to post a photo to be sure.

  5. Possibly just a geji, which would explain why you’ve never seen a cockroach lol.

  6. Once I received a package, opened it, went to break down the box and a cockroach appeared that had been hiding in the bottom flap. Most likely the box sat on the floor in a warehouse or the distribution center and it crawled in. If you get packages it’s not implausible that creepy crawlies come in that way from outside.

  7. I mean if you saw one already, eggs have already hatched. But you shouldn’t worry too much until you start seeing more.

    I saw baby roaches around 1st floor few weeks ago, and soon started seeing them in my balcony and front door. Spent about 10k installing mushiyoke, hockeypucks, sticky traps, sprays and tongs… After I started seeing multiple dead roaches near my defence lines, I feel like money has been well spent.

    So before thinking about moving, just buy a few traps first and put your mind at ease.

  8. It’s not just your apartment. They are really bad where I live, too. We got a powder (I forget what it’s called) from Cainz and spread it around the doors, windows and the yard to keep them out and kill them. My neighbor did the same. Tons were dead this morning and none in the house all day.

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