Driver’s License after moving back…

Wife and I just moved back, she is Japanese and didn’t work in the US.

What evidence will the driver licensing accept that she lived there longer than 3 months? They are saying over the phone they need my work history and something signed by my company… passport re-entry stamps not enough?

  1. If your country doesn’t do exit stamps they won’t accept it (since you could’ve exited the country in those 3 months). So you can provide for example proof you worked there for 3 months+ or proof of going to university or proof of renting an apartment, utility bills etc.

  2. This seems to vary drastically from one license center to another (Ōsaka for me). In my case (I am German so I don’t have any stamps in my passport) I showed them documents that we get from university every semester so we can prove to social security that we are in fact students. Even though I had to explain to them what this even was and even though they couldn’t read anything, they accepted it because it had a date on it and an official looking stamp.

  3. Tagging onto this thread because I have a question I hope others can answer: my country ALSO doesn’t do exit/entry stamps, but I’m hoping to convert my license. Do they still check my passport, even though there won’t be any stamps in there? Or will my zairyuu card + driver’s license + documented proof suffice?

  4. I have heard that they take W-2 forms as well if you can get them from a previous employer.

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