Cheaper vegetables..?

Hi everyone. Ok, I’m aware fruits and vegetables are not really the core japanese diet, but the prices I encountered in Tokyo are a bit ridiculous. Maybe I’m just not searching in the good places. Do you guys know where I can source affordable fruits and vegetables in Tokyo? Thanks a lot for your help!

  1. Gyomu Super and Don Quixote come to my mind for Walmart cost performance grade food here.

  2. Agree about local grocers on your shotengai or whatever. “OK Store” is pretty good as well, but not a super common supermarket chain

  3. Keep in mind that you usually get what you pay for. I go to a local green grocer and they are cheaper than the supermarkets and honestly you can tell it’s cheaper. Still if you can live with lesser quality, which is often fine then little green grocers are great.

  4. If you have a balcony (or access to a roof where nobody ever go), you can grow quite a lot of things.

    – Mini tomatoes/beans, especially the wall climbing varieties (just place a net on the wall and the plant will use it as support to grow, taking almost no space). They will produce food during the entire season then die.

    – various herbs (mint, basil, parsley, chives, etc), those can stay indoor next to a window and can be constantly harvested all year long.

    – lettuce can be grown all year long and only take about 1month from seed to harvest, just plant 1 seed every X days to have a rotation running with a constant supply

    – lemons and avocado trees can produce fruits when they are only about 1meter tall, look for a tree that already has several fruits growing on them

    -Basically anything that is small and has a fast seed to harvest cycle (radish, spinach, baby carrots, microgreens, which only take 1 week, etc)

    – cabbage, leafy greens and celery can be regrown from the scrap of a store bought vegetable (the part that had the roots can be placed in water and will start regrowing after a while, when it starts making leaves, move it to soil)

  5. Certain neighborhoods of Tokyo just have a much lower cost of living. That is why you should have a few items for comparison when you are shopping for a new apartment. The shops north of Kameido station or at the end of the shotengai at Shinkoiwa station have cheap and good produce.

  6. Don’t know if about your area is near but try to look Tachiya or Big express Aeon…

  7. “Fruits and vegetables are not really the core Japanese diet”

    What did I just read? Do you even live in Japan?

  8. If you’re close to a river, the city government rents land cheaply to any resident who wants to grow their own vegetables or fruit. A lot of older people there are very welcoming and will help you set up your own garden. Then you can trade or buy. Lettuce ¥25, large tomatoes ¥10

  9. Ooh where in Tokyo??

    There’s this franchise (?) fruit store named Star Fruit スターフルーツ. Those sell vegetables and fruits really cheap-think 2 packs of spinach for 50 fucking yen, an orange for 70 yen cheap- if you go at the right time. The branch in 白山 does this on 6:45~7:00pm on Fridays or Thursdays.

    But other than that-go and explore the area you live in, take walks and try get lost. The second best place I’ve found was a nameless store run by an obaasan from her house.

  10. Sugamo’s jizodoori has very, very cheap fruits and vegetable stores. [This place](,139.7267938,17z/data=!4m9!1m2!2m1!1sfruits+and+vegetables!3m5!1s0x60188d78f1d8ac09:0x95fc0df25d470f6f!8m2!3d35.7387314!4d139.7302171!15sChVmcnVpdHMgYW5kIHZlZ2V0YWJsZXNaFyIVZnJ1aXRzIGFuZCB2ZWdldGFibGVzkgEOcHJvZHVjZV9tYXJrZXSaASNDaFpEU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVTnBjRmxpYVZkbkVBRQ?hl=fr) especially has the best deals I’ve ever seen in Tokyo for season fruits and vegetables, by a fair margin. Of course depending on where you live it might not help much…

  11. This “fruits and vegetables are not really the core japanese diet” is a dubious claim, but anyway, I’ve found fruits and veg are cheap here IN SEASON and expensive outside of season.

    If you always want to eat apples, for example, they’ll be quite expensive, for ~9 months a year (outside Japanese apple harvest season) but cheap in the ~3 months when there’s a lot about.

    So, buy what’s in season rather than what you’d like. Go to local produce shops or JA and see what’s cheap, that’s usually what’s in season. Also bear in mind that a pineapple that sells for 300 yen in season in Ishigaki may cost 1,000 by the time it gets to Tokyo, so also look at what is in season in your area.

  12. What are you looking for specifically and can you say the general prices for amounts? For example I can get 6 bokchoy for like 250¥ and I’m in Yokohama so I don’t think it’s much cheaper than tokyo.

  13. Be aware of imported produce in japan. Imports from the US are shit and not really healthy and full of chemical, but yes theyrw cheaper. Make sure to get japan made produce. But then i guess ull have to pay more because japanese cares more about the quality than quantity.

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