If you woke up tomorrow in charge of whatever language program you work for, what would you change?

So just wondering if you all of sudden found yourself in charge of whatever program you work at, What would you change?

If you are already in charge what changes do you want to make but are held back from for certain reasons?

  1. The number of students per class. Perfect world id have around 12 students per class.

  2. In charge of an ALT program I would listen to what the ALTs are saying about their working conditions and make it so they don’t have to do more then 3-4 classes a day to allow prep time to happen, I’d also make sure that any reasonable request such as an ALT wanting to move up to JHS would be acted upon and not ignored.

  3. Make it truly part time hours, give jtes better training on using and not relying on ALTs. Make ALTs truly T2s.

    And disbands dispatch companies

  4. 100% the way housing is handled. So many horror story nightmares regarding JET housing. My experience was pretty bad. My friends house was infested with roaches and unlivable filthy to the point he had to stay with a JTE, and then his PAs had the audacity to give him a hard time about changing housing, acting like he was a problem. My BOE was not my much help with my housing situation, as well as my fellow coworkers.

  5. I’d totally change the lack of backbone when company and contractor relations are concerned.

    It’s amazing how much compromise and yes manning goes on in these contract bid/negotiations. I get that they need to secure them beyond a shadow of a doubt because of money worker guarantees but seriously it’s crazy the things they agree too.

    The ALT always comes second to the working conditions if they have to have any interaction with the BOE. Japanese teacher not doing their half of the job and making the ALT do everything? “That’s not right… but do your best cause this is a contract negotiation year and we’ll try to fix it next spring “ geeze.

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