As we reach the halfway point, it’s clear that 2023 has been a banner year for wrestling. What are some of your favorite NJPW matches thus far? *My favorite NJPW-adjacent match would have to be Muta/Nakamura, with the incredible spectacle and the return of old-school Nakamura.

As we reach the halfway point, it’s clear that 2023 has been a banner year for wrestling. What are some of your favorite NJPW matches thus far? *My favorite NJPW-adjacent match would have to be Muta/Nakamura, with the incredible spectacle and the return of old-school Nakamura.

  1. The best are probably the two Omega/Ospreay matches. I think Mercedes Mone vs Kairi and Wato vs Titan are also high on my personal list

    As far as non-NJPW goes idk if anyone is going to beat Danielson/MJF for me but we still have 6 months to go!

  2. My favorite match of the year is honestly still White vs Okada from WK. endless storytelling

  3. Tanahashi is sad to watch in singles matches right now but he’s doing alright in tag matches and still is a very popular babyface so him & Okada vs Bishamon for the tag belts is still one of my favorite matches. Wato vs Titan was incredible and maybe had the hottest crowd this year, El Desperado vs Akira was a fantastic performance to sell Akira as a great underdog (and I’m usually not a huge fan of Akira).

    SANADA vs Tsuji was a perfect way to introduce Tsuji while still making us want to see more, felt like a debut that will be remembered. Outside of NJPW my favorite matches were…well, mostly still with NJPW guys but technically it was a NOAH show. Okada vs Kaito was a great first singles match, a dream match that delivered and will obviously lead to another one at some point. Naito vs Muto was great for a match with a 60 years old guy, great storytelling. Oh yeah and Kaito vs Kenoh at the beginning of the year was cool as well.

    We have seen so much great matches during the last 6 months. If I really have to chose one I’d say the Naito vs Muto match is my favorite right now, obviously we have seen more intense action in other matches but Muto did great with his limitation and used it for the storytelling. It’s also a huge match historically and to me it did feel like I was watching something very important.
    + When you see everything that happens right now, with the potential SANADA vs Naito match at some point (hopefully at WK) and Kaito becoming more relevant…it is a year with a big Muto influence.

  4. Tam Nakano vs. Giulia

    ZSJ vs. Cobb

    MJF vs. Danielson

    Ospreay vs. Omega

    Mone vs. KAIRI

    …and then Queen’s Quest vs. Oedo Tai in a cage match. Excellent storytelling with a shocking outcome.

  5. When it comes to modern wrestling I only watch NJPW and adjacent things. While the US title matches are talked about quite a bit, my second favourite New Japan match of the year was Desperado vs Akira from the BOSJ.

  6. Will Ospreay vs Kenny Omega (Wrestle Kingdom 17)

    Jay White vs Kazuchika Okada (Wrestle Kingdom 17)

    Will Ospreay vs Taichi (New Beginning in Sapporo)

    Hiromu Takahashi vs YOH (New Beginning in Sapporo)

    Kazuchika Okada vs Shingo Takagi (New Beginning in Osaka)

    Jay White vs Eddie Kingston (Battle if the Valley)

    Shingo Takagi vs Aaron Henare (Road to Sakura Genesis)

    Hiromu Takahashi vs Robbie Eagles (Sakura Genesis)

    Mike Bailey vs Hiromu Takahashi (BOSJ)

    Hiromu Takahashi vs Lio Rush (BOSJ)

    El Desperado vs YOH (BOSJ)

    Robbie Eagles vs Francesco Akira (BOSJ)

    Robbie Eagles vs El Desperado (BOSJ)

    El Desperado vs Francesco Akira (BOSJ)

    Master Wato vs Titan (BOSJ)

    Hiromu Takahashi vs Master Wato (Dominion)

    Moxley, Claudio & Shota vs Okada, Tanahashi & Ishii (Dominion)

    SANADA vs Yota Tsuji (Dominion)

  7. My 3 would be:
    Master Wato vs. Titan BOSJ

    Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Ren Narita WK

    BCC vs. Okada, Tanahashi & Ishii Dominion

  8. I wouldn’t call it a banner year for wrestling exactly, it’s still way too soon to say, but it’s such a relief to have NJPW get back to normal. Their booking has been incredibly fresh too. Favourite match so far, Ospreay vs Omega at WK. 4 1/4 stars.

  9. Best NJPW match? Will Ospreay (c) vs. Kenny Omega (Wrestle Kingdom 17 in Tokyo Dome, 1/4)

    Favorite NJPW match? Kazuchika Okada & Togi Makabe vs. Kaito Kiyomiya & Yoshiki Inamura (Wrestle Kingdom 17 in Yokohama Arena, 1/21)


    *MOTY? Astronauts vs. Crazy Lovers (BJW, Saikyou Tag League 2022 Semi Final, 2/8)*

    *Favorite MOTY? Sakura Hirota vs. Haruka Umesaki (WAVE, PHASE 2 Reboot 3rd ~ NAMI 1, 2/1)*

  10. Okada Kazuchika vs Kiyomiya Kaito. Because Okada has paid the huge price, to someone kick in his face!

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