After making Okada tap, will we now see Danielson in a NJPW ring? If so, when and where?

Listen as the wholesome Aussie Stiff Bois attempt to answer this question, whilst posing a few more of their own.

  1. If he’s in an NJPW ring I assume it’s to lose to Okada. But god they better do Danielson vs ZSJ soon or I’m gunna cry

  2. Btw, recently discovered this podcast it has some super refreshing takes on NJPW I love it

  3. They are definitely running this one back. I would bet on WK. I fully expect him to disappear from AEW television sometime after Full Gear in November.

  4. He’s had many opportunities over the past several years to wrestle for New Japan. That he hasn’t is telling.

  5. I dont think he will and i doubt TK will let 0kada get a run back. 0kada is going to be used as a notch on the belt.

  6. To parrot some others in here, January in the dome seems like the obvious bet.

  7. I hate that he made him tap with a broken arm. Makes Okada look weak, imo. OH well, I’ll use this heat to fuel my lugs full of energy to shout my ass off during the G1

  8. If Okada v Danielson 2 is going to happen, here’s where I see it making sense:

    Okada retains the World title with a WK victory over G1 Climax Winner Kiyomiya

    Danielson interrupts after the match to challenge for either Hidden Door 3, or (more likely) New Beginning in February.

  9. If Okada v Danielson 2 is going to happen, here’s where I see it making sense:

    Okada retains the World title with a WK victory over G1 Climax Winner Kiyomiya

    Danielson interrupts after the post match to challenge for either Hidden Door 3, or (more likely) New Beginning in February.

  10. I don’t think he wants to go to Japan unless he gets big money. I’m not sure if NJ is ready to pay big bucks to someone not Jericho or Omega. Maybe WK? But, still hard to picture them passing on a proven draw like Kenny to bring in an unknown draw like Danielson. Business is business and as Tana said, during the pandemic NJPW was months away from closing their doors. Any significant costs have to return big dividends.

  11. Yes, it’s going to happen sooner or later. Okada getting his win back in Tokyo sounds like a great premise. Knowing New Japan, he might even lose again.

  12. If he comes to Japan it will be for Okada to get the win back before anything else. I actually think both guys wanna do a better match too

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