Visiting kindergartens in Japan

Hi everyone,

I’m an early childhood/kindergarten teacher from Australia visiting japan for two weeks in June. I would love to visit some day-care/pre-school/kindergartens in japan as part of my professional development and I’ve heard that it is possible from few of my colleagues. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find much information regarding this on the internet.

I would love your advice/suggestions on this. I’m not even sure if this is possible but I’m thinking of email centres and asking them if it is possible to visit.

I’m going to visit Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Nara if it helps and if you guys have got suggestions.

Thank you!!

  1. >I’ve heard that it is possible from few of my colleagues.

    What solid info did they give you on this? Were they able to do this in Japan? If so, how?

  2. Kobe? I may be able to help as I’m sort of connected to a couple of daycares.
    Send me a PM.

  3. I don’t see why you couldn’t message the school directly to ask? When we were touring yochiens we definitely ran into a few where the principal was extremely proud of the program and went on and on and on (and on and on) about it. Perhaps framing it as you’re interested in their approach and want to learn more?

  4. Yeah, I don’t know what your colleagues told you but that ain’t happening.
    I’m sorry but you can forget about it.

    Unless maybe you’re school in Australia e-mails some school here and asks. But less than a month before? Nope.

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