General Discussion Thread – 04 July 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Kinda morbid topic first thing in the morning but I always wanted to be buried when I passed and just found out that only certain prefectures allow it.

    I didn’t think about it but now I’m wondering what others do if you’re from a country that has a high percentage of burials vs cremation or if you want a burial for religious purposes. And I wonder how much it costs moving a body overseas.

  2. Sort of a “settle a bet” kind of question.

    Every weekday, there’s a cartoon called Hana Kappa on NHK-E.


    つねなり, 16th from the top, he kinda looks like Hitler, right? Because when I see him, I say “Hey, Hitler’s in this one!”, and my wife doesn’t like that joke much.

  3. My girlfriend was on Gakitsuka last week! The show was basically about whether foreigners would find Japanese comedians funny and she was one of the 20 guests

  4. Boss accepted my 12 days off (totalling 18 days with weekends), I’m so glad. Project manager also didn’t say any comment except “thank you for having taken into account our deadlines”, which was not some sort of passive-agressive comment. I indeed chosed to go a bit later than what I wanted, and although the price is a bit higher.

    Also administration back in France finally accepted my request for correcting my French driving licence so I will be able to “exchange” it for a japanese one (not really an exchange because I will still have it). I’m so excited, I miss driving. I’m thinking about getting an EV anytime soon. Thinking about the Nissan Leaf. Idk what are the models available around here.

    And finally, I got notification that my mynumbercard is ok for pick-up. It’s been less than a month since I applied.

  5. Posted in the other thread, but for more visibility, I am adding it here as well.

    Question about a side business from home involving cooking.

    I want to start a small side business selling food (cakes, cookies, etc). Is it possible to do it from my rented apartment kitchen? If so, what is the process or regulation (license, etc).

    Have PR.

  6. did a simple experiment with my AC yesterday

    the outdoor temp was like 27C at the time, then i used the AC to cool the room to 24C. i shut every window & door, but when i turned off the AC it went up back to 29C (while i wasn’t in there). the humidity went up slower though.

    so, there’s likely another source of heat that’s still large enough and i suspect its the roof above.

    tldr; insulation in Japan is shit

  7. Any recommendations for watch stores with a wide selection that includes relatively affordable watches (below 30,000 yen)? I know a few but they predominantly carry 100,000 yen+ watches.

  8. If you take your kids to Disneyland and they’ve forgotten their Suicas and you think “no problem, I’ll just buy tickets at the interconnecting stations”… don’t! There are what seems like thousands of others doing the same thing and that convenient journey turns into hell!

    (Particularly if you leave after the concert)

  9. hearing my first cicadas this week. Not looking forward to choosing between fresh air and saving my eardrums in a couple weeks…

    Also: Yahoo weather shows 34 degrees outside, and I’m here chilling in my room with only a fan on. It sucks in the winter, but I love how my room stays MUCH cooler than the outside.

  10. Stopped in Kyoto yesterday afternoon after finishing up some odd jobs. We wanted to do a leisurely Daimonji climb but when we arrived, we realised it was still 35C out at 17:00😭 decided against climbing and just went to a cafe.

    Kyoto heat is brutal!

  11. welp, i “busted” another store… what bothers me is that once again instead of being outright obvious malicious intent, it’s still small enough to pass as a mistake. only this time it took me a while to notice and they’ve gradually scammed me out of hundreds if not thousands of yen. this store hiked prices due to inflation several months ago, so i bet it’s been “wrong” this whole time. i’m shocked absolutely no one has noticed (it slipped by me because i do shopping after work and i’m tired, so i’m usually checked out at the checkout). it’s just a 15 yen difference, but i buy 4-6 of this item every few days, and lots of other people buy it up as it’s a fast selling product. money is already tight, but now i have the added paranoia of stores slowly skimming my wallet here and there if i don’t become hyper vigilant! i’m already a cautious shopper, looking for deals and discounts, now this is just extra annoying.

  12. Have any of you gaming ladies and gents among us found a better place to purchase games with our yens than Steam? Or does everyone just suck it up and pay the increased price due to the crap conversion rate?

    Personally I buy from licensed third party sellers as they frequently have coupons to knock launch prices down a bit, but since those are also foreign shops I wondered if there wasn’t a better local option…

  13. Despite giving me glowing reviews and good feedback about my job, my company has decided to terminate my contract now that my 6 month trial period has ended.

    I will be working until the end of the month, but I’m devastated. There was no hint that my work was not what they wanted, and I’m caught like a deer in headlights. I have my theories on why they let me go, but I’m 100% sure it’s not because of my skills.

    Just rushing to update my portfolio and scouring LinkedIn as well as other job sites.

  14. Been having issues waking up feeling not like shit and had a weird observation the other day. I had a donut an hour before sleeping, and the next morning I woke up feeling…kinda good? I wonder if my body needs a sugar reserve to tap into when I wake up.

    I’ve also apparently caught something. Again. Annoying sore throat and swollen painful tongue, which is weird. No other symptoms which is doubly weird.

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