Learning Japanese

Hii, Im Vivien and I live in Hungary. I want to learn Japanese. I want to ask that I found Japanese from zero! video series on Youtube, and I wonder that if I watch and learn it that will be helpful? I cant go to teacher. Or should I buy genki book? Or the Japanese from zero books?


  1. Hi Vivien,

    I’ve watched only a little of those videos so not sure if they are good for absolute beginners. In any case, you could just start by learning hiragana first. After that you could try YouTube videos or a book. Genki books, some people love them others hate them. Best see if you can read a sample and see if it works for you…otherwise there are many beginner books !

  2. If you go with the Genki books then the tokiniandy youtube channel is very good. Look at the channels and decide if you prefer the style of George from Japanese from Zero, or Andy and choose which book series from that. The one you like is best for keeping motivation.

    The Cure Dolly channel provides an alternative to both, independent from books, that can give you the nudge you need if a topic is not coming together for you.

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