Online Mental Health Consultations in Japan for ADHD in English

First time poster, long time lurker. (created an account just for this post).

Basically the title, I live in a remote area of Japan where getting to a big city is a day trip and my Japanese is not well enough to properly explain to a doctor my condition and previous ailments.

I went to a small local hospital and spoke to someone (as well as typed it out and translated from DeepL) they prescribed some really weak stuff that had absolutely no effect and said that the facility could not prescribe any of the medication I used before (Straterra, Paxil).

I used SSRI’s before and haven’t used them for a while since I was able to build a lifestyle and routine that would help my mental health. Recently that has been fizzling out. Side note, my wife and I started marriage counselling (online from our home country), not for any major issues just to make sure we are on the same page and have a third party help us stay on track.

I think that maybe restarting a course of medication may help me get that flow again and focus on life.

Is there any facility that offers an online consultation and maybe prescription? If there is anything like this available I would really appreciate the information,a link, anything. I’ve done done some research but cant seem to get anywhere.

Thanks for taking the time. Cheers.


  1. Posting because i too, live super far from a big city and would love an online doc that also takes 社会保険

  2. Did a crazy quick search and this place looks like it has online consultations and accepts insurance


    I’ve never used this before and I’m not sure if it’ll be what you’re looking for..

    If you need help typing ADHD symptoms or something, send me a DM! AFAIK Strattera isn’t as regulated as Concerta and Vyvanse (needing the card) so it shouldn’t be that difficult. I used to take Concerta and then switched to Vyvanse (Strattera didn’t work at all for me) and I also take Effexor so I’m knowledgeable (to an extent) on how the Japanese system works. I can also ask my Psych if there’s any other information you need.

    I know you said you live in a remote area, but if you’re travel-able distance to Tokyo I know an ADHD focused clinic where the Psych speaks a good amount of English in Omotesando/Aoyama area. Accepts insurance so I think first time is around 3,000-4,000 yen and then like 1,600 after.
    But they don’t have anything online. So if you’re able to make a trip out to Tokyo, that COULD be an option?

  3. Make sure you check the reputation of your Doctor if you get a foreign (non-Japanese) one, there was a scam artist guy around for a while who many people complained about on here

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