Which is the better way? WHV, Data Science or PhD?

Hello everyone,

So I’ve been dreaming a lot about moving to Japan ever since I first visited and also did an internship there for 3 months.

I just got my Master’s degree in Physics and am currently working as a (junior) Data Scientist (so lots of Python, Machine Learning etc). As I just started working and I like the work and my current company, I would like to stay there for a while (2-3 years), gain experience and save money, but with the goal of moving to Japan at some point.

I currently see three ways to achieve this goal:

* Get a WHV before I turn 31 (I’m currently 28), do some farm work and apply for jobs within Japan.
* Applying for jobs related to my current field from abroad (not sure how good my chances are)
* Do my PhD somewhere in Japan (not sure how easy this is and if I really want to, as I currently have enough from academics).

The main issues are these:

* I am happily together with my girlfriend but I think she is not quite ready for this step or at least more hesitant about it. Not sure how to deal with this (follow my dreams, make a compromise etc). I know this issue is more related to r/relationship_advice
* We own a dog, a medium breed. I’ve read about the rabies stuff, but I’m not sure I really want her to go through the flight in the cabin.

I guess the main thing I am looking for is advice on which way seems “better” and maybe someone else is struggling with similar issues to me.

PS: I studied some Japanese (currently too busy but I want to get back to routine)

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Which is the better way? WHV, Data Science or PhD?**

    Hello everyone,

    So I’ve been dreaming a lot about moving to Japan ever since I first visited and also did an internship there for 3 months.

    I just got my Master’s degree in Physics and am currently working as a (junior) Data Scientist (so lots of Python, Machine Learning etc). As I just started working and I like the work and my current company, I would like to stay there for a while (2-3 years), gain experience and save money, but with the goal of moving to Japan at some point.

    I currently see three ways to achieve this goal:

    * Get a WHV before I turn 31 (I’m currently 28), do some farm work and apply for jobs within Japan.
    * Applying for jobs related to my current field from abroad (not sure how good my chances are)
    * Do my PhD somewhere in Japan (not sure how easy this is and if I really want to, as I currently have enough from academics).

    The main issues are these:

    * I am happily together with my girlfriend but I think she is not quite ready for this step or at least more hesitant about it. Not sure how to deal with this (follow my dreams, make a compromise etc). I know this issue is more related to r/relationship_advice
    * We own a dog, a medium breed. I’ve read about the rabies stuff, but I’m not sure I really want her to go through the flight in the cabin.

    I guess the main thing I am looking for is advice on which way seems “better” and maybe someone else is struggling with similar issues to me.

    PS: I studied some Japanese (currently too busy but I want to get back to routine)

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  2. >Get a WHV before I turn 31 (I’m currently 28), do some farm work and apply for jobs within Japan.

    Being physically present in Japan (especially on a time-limited visa like a WHV) isn’t going to make jobs magically appear. If you’re qualified for a position your chances are just as good (if not better) applying from overseas.

    >Applying for jobs related to my current field from abroad

    This is what you should be doing.

    >Do my PhD somewhere in Japan

    If you want to do a PhD, sure. It’s an option.

    >I am happily together with my girlfriend but I think she is not quite ready for this step or at least more hesitant about it.

    Like you said, that’s r/relationship_advice territory.

    >We own a dog, a medium breed. I’ve read about the rabies stuff, but I’m not sure I really want her to go through the flight in the cabin.

    Well, the options are cabin or cargo. And honestly for anything but a relatively small dog cargo is going to be the only option.

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