Getting a job as 3D Generalist/Environmental artist after language school.

Hello everyone! I’m going to study in a Japanese language school for 1.5 years starting this September and my question is what is the best route to choose when I finish and what are the possibilities? I have a bachelor degree in law in my country which is useless anywhere else and I dropped off uni a year before getting master degree. Also none of the universities in my home country offer any decent gamedev related degrees either even if there are any. (before I continue I’d like to say that I have a passive income in my home country so I can cover rent and other needs without any need to get a job. just to be clear) Right now apart from studying Japanese beforehand I started a 3D generalist/Environmental Artist courses and making some progress. So the question itself is can I actually get a job in the industry if i ask them not to pay me at all and can small studios even grant visa sponsorships?(I just want to gain experience and be able to stay in Japan after). And the other option I thought of is to get a desired masters degree in a Japanese university after. I’ve been to Japan before and have couple of friends who live there(japanese and foreigners) but none of them work in gamedev. I hope to you can give me some insight on the topic. Thank you all in advance!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Getting a job as 3D Generalist/Environmental artist after language school.**

    Hello everyone! I’m going to study in a Japanese language school for 1.5 years starting this September and my question is what is the best route to choose when I finish and what are the possibilities? I have a bachelor degree in law in my country which is useless anywhere else and I dropped off uni a year before getting master degree. Also none of the universities in my home country offer any decent gamedev related degrees either even if there are any. (before I continue I’d like to say that I have a passive income in my home country so I can cover rent and other needs without any need to get a job. just to be clear) Right now apart from studying Japanese beforehand I started a 3D generalist/Environmental Artist courses and making some progress. So the question itself is can I actually get a job in the industry if i ask them not to pay me at all and can small studios even grant visa sponsorships?(I just want to gain experience and be able to stay in Japan after). And the other option I thought of is to get a desired masters degree in a Japanese university after. I’ve been to Japan before and have couple of friends who live there(japanese and foreigners) but none of them work in gamedev. I hope to you can give me some insight on the topic. Thank you all in advance!

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  2. >So the question itself is can I actually get a job in the industry

    With zero industry experience and an unrelated degree? It’s *highly* unlikely.

    >if i ask them not to pay me at all

    So… An internship? Because a job that doesn’t pay isn’t a job. It’s an internship or volunteering.

    If you can *find* an internship it’s possible to get a visa. But finding one is going to be difficult. Internships aren’t really a thing here. The fact that you’re no longer an active student will make things even more challenging.

    There’s no visa for volunteering at a company.

    >can small studios even grant visa sponsorships?

    Yes, but a small studio is *highly* unlikely to be willing/able to sponsor a foreign intern.

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