Killer mango tuna roll in Orlando fl

Killer mango tuna roll in Orlando fl

Killer mango tuna roll in Orlando fl
by u/JordyCANsurf in sushi

  1. LOL you guys have no idea what we did to the sushi around here in Brazil, let’s say mango is to normal for us…

  2. Hey, looks yummy. I’m glad you enjoyed and wanted to share!

    Just know that not everybody is an elitist, gatekeeper snob when it comes to sushi and Japanese food…

    These people don’t really know anything, generally. They just know what they’ve seen on VICE. They haven’t actually been to Japan or studied sushi, although they act like it.

    Japanese Kaiten sushi has some really strange outlandish “abomination.” It is still delicious, fun, and REAL Japanese people can enjoy it without being a snob.

    Some people want to suck the joy out of everything because it’s not strictly adhering to the way people ate persevered, vinegared rice millennia ago…

    My gateway into loving traditional sushi was a very similar specialty roll in America. Now, I enjoy both traditional and westernized sushi dishes in Japan.

    Eat what you enjoy! 🤘🏻

  3. Killer mango tuna roll, huh? Sounds like a delicious crime I’m willing to commit!

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