I was on a vacation in June for 15 days. I did not have my laptop with me so I could not continue my anki lessons plus I was pretty busy during the vacation. Before it I used to do anki every day and saw YouTube grammar videos. But after the vacation I just feel burned out and the 150 cards to review in my anki deck feels monstrous to me. What should I do?
Review the 150 before it becomes 300 lol
How much time are you spending per card that makes 150 reviews “monstrous”? If you aim for ~5 seconds/card or less, you will get through them in < 15 minutes. Most serious learners who use Anki do that many reviews (and sometimes a lot more) every single day. Maybe you need to take a realistic look at what your goals are with Japanese and how much vocabulary you will need to learn in total to achieve that goal?
Also, never skip you Anki reviews. You can do them on your phone or simply on ankiweb from pretty much any device.
Set a Pomodoro for 25 min. Or 10 min. Do as many cards as you can in that time, even if it’s not as many as you think. When the timer is up, stop. Or keep going. Then do another Pomodoro tomorrow.
150 reviews isnt too bad. I was on holiday in Jan and when I got back my reviews were well over 300.
just break the cards you need to review into groups and then review one group a day. thats what i do when i have 400 cards i need to get to
I’m going to sound accusational but I’m gonna guess that you’re not burnt out necessarily but bored. Flash cards are not a natural way of learning. Doesn’t mean they don’t work or at least have no effect but…
I suggest you try something else. Japanese is such a dynamic language. I think it should be learned in dynamic ways.
On my 4th-5th month of studying japanese (and anki) i felt so burnt out that I only really open anki and speedrun through everything without reading it, like cheating, cause I cant stand looking at my anki with all those numbers piling up. Im now on my 6th-7th month, took the N3 test and looks like I’ll get a good score.
Take a break if you really cant do anymore of anki. Just make sure you are still consuming japanese related resources, do the things u find enjoyable like youtube and stuff 🙂