Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (August 04, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. What does the following sentence mean? I understand the words but can’t make any sense of it


    “What does it mean about the anger 怒り being inside the weight) 重みにある

  2. how do you read ‘&’ aloud in a japanese sentence. Jisho says アンド
    or エンド. Is this correct?

  3. I’m working my way through Quartet Chapter 3 and was curious about the following sentence.


    I’m guessing the book is conveying conversational speech? I would have expected 勝っていないんだ。I’ve heard of dropping い from ている, but hadn’t heard of っ being dropped from て forms.

  4. Can I ask what “思い出も何も” might mean in this sentence?


    Is X + も何も a phrase or pattern? The sentence was translated to me as “Yeah, right. You weren’t even born.​ ​​”

  5. I was sentence mining and came across a sentence 少しお聞きしたい in kotaro lives alone. He wants to ask the store clerk something. Based on my N5 knowledge I would think it’s 聞きたい. Why is there a 聞き then したい?

  6. I’ve noticed that the kanji 率 is read as リツ when the word has to do with probability, e.g. 確率 is かくりつ meaning “chances,” 効率 is こうりつ meaning “efficiency,” 比率 is ひりつ meaning “ratio” or “proportion.” Meanwhile, the same kanji is read as ソツ when the word has to do with leading or taking action, e.g. 軽率 is けいそつ for “rash” or “careless,” 率先 is そっせん for “taking the initiative,” 統率 is とうそつ for “command,” etc.


    The pattern is strong enough that I noticed myself correctly guessing whether the kanji would be リツ or ソツ in unfamiliar words simply based on the surrounding context.

    Are there other kanji out there like this, where differences in the kanji’s overall “meaning”/usage became linked with different readings?

  7. Kindly correct.

    数日間オフラインにしていたら、知らせが溜まってた。 “*After a few days of being offline, my notifications piled up.*”

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