Which JLPT test should I take if past AP level?

I’m planning on taking the JLPT exam(s) this december, and since sign-ups are starting for my area around mid-late July, I’m at a loss as to which test I should take. Currently, I’ve taken 4 years of Japanese at school and have passed at the AP level with no real struggle. I’ve been self-studying in the couple months since then, and I’ve been improving more and more in both listening and reading comprehension. From this, I feel that I’m breezing through materials from levels 4&5 already feel very comfortable with level 3.

Given this, what level of the JLPT exam do you think I should aim for, if I were to study regularly (2-3 hrs a day starting early July) until my test date this December?

Will update with AP test scores when they are releases in a few days.

  1. take a sample n3 and see if it’s easy or hard, then take another sample test in the direction indicated from there

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