Need help to start a career in Japan!

Hello, I am brazilian, male, late 20’s and grandson of Japanese grandparents(Sansei), I really want to work as a Software Engineer in Japan, I would like to know if it is better to do a Bootcamp in Tokyo or a Computer Science bachelors in Europe (where I currently live), you need to have a bachelors to be hired overseas in Japan but as I am grandson of a japanese citizen it wouldn’t be better just to do a bootcamp there?

\*I have european citizenship and dont speak japanese very well, cant read kanji.
\*\*I dont have financial problem, just want the better path to start working in Japan.

Thank you very much!

  1. Bootcamp in Tokyo vs Computer Science bachelors in Europe, well just on that point the Bachelors in Europe would set you up with a WAY better grounding to get hired in the field etc.

    Equally though, you mention being late 20’s, and I am guessing since you are looking at bootcamp vs degree, you are going to be looking for junior / grad engineering positions which at the late 20’s mark is significantly harder to get hired for in Japan, vs in Europe.

    As you are currently in Europe, finding a company that will hire you and then moving to Japan in 3 or so years, once you have experience and are at a mid level would set up way better financially, and also career position wise.

  2. Computer science bachelors. And at least a year or so of work experience.

    Tokyo Bootcamps are a scam. Steer clear from them.

    Also learn Japanese.

  3. Do a bootcamp in Europe or USA, then get a local job, and look for Japan opportunities while you’re working. The only way that a degree helps is with immigration, and you can already immigrate because of your grandparents. The kind of company that you’d want to work for won’t mind that you don’t have a degree.

  4. You should get a bachelor’s degree in CS or Computer Engineering in Europe or the US, then work for a reputable company for at least 3 years. That company can be in Silicon Valley where they pay a lot of $$$ for CS grads. I know money isn’t a problem for you, but working for Apple or Google is a good idea not just for the money but for the work experience. These big tech companies have offices in Japan and you could do an intra-company transfer to Japan to preserve your seniority and your stock option plan.

    Apple/Google pay better than your average Japanese tech company. I know that Apple is paying new CS grads (so people about 21 years old) about $150,000 per year plus stock options and bonuses. A few months ago Apple employees received $2000 so they could improve their home office furniture and upgrade their home computers because Apple employees have been working from home. The annual bonuses are very generous, as is the starting bonus.

    Make sure you work hard and get good references. Be ambitious. Don’t slack around like a lot of people today. Study Japanese on the side. Then you can move to Japan.

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