Is this how the passing marks for JLPT N5 works?

It says on the website that the sectional passing grade are as follows:

Vocabulary/Grammar Reading are combined with 38/120 points

Listening is 19/60 points.

If this is based on the questions, is it like this? The right answers for each should only be 7 questions?

Vocabulary had 21 questions so 19 points or 31.67% is 6.65/21.
Grammar/Reading had 22 questions so it’s 6.97/22.
Listening is also 21 questions so it is 6.65/21.

Or is that each question are weighted different and not equally?

Thanks in advance!

  1. Each question is weighted differently, I’m pretty sure it’s at least partially dependent on how people answered the question, so harder questions (questions that less people got right) will give more points

  2. The other fellow is correct that the scores are weighted, but the direction is actually opposite. How weighted systems in Japan work is that questions that *more* people get correct (i.e. the ‘easier’ questions) typically get more points.

    The reason for this being that getting a question wrong that most people got wrong is not a big problem, but if a question is so obvious that 99% of people got it right, the 1% of people who got it wrong must have a lack of understanding at a fundamental level, and so they lose more points to represent it.

    You can afford to make a mistake on harder questions; it’s the easier ones that you *have* to get right.

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