I had an argument with the food delivery guy today because of the stupid app

So, I recently moved a few days ago, and today I set up a new delivery address on my Wolt app. I hate this app with a passion because of its poor design and frustrating user experience but I still use it from time to time since some of my favorite restaurants are only available on Wolt. Anyway, I entered my delivery address, say, Shinjuku 1-2-3, and proceeded to place an order.

When I noticed the delivery guy had arrived at my place, I expected to hear the doorbell. But after a while, there was still no sound. So, I went outside to check and there was no one there. Confused, I checked the app again and realized he was standing about two houses down from mine (which is an apartment) Yeah, I could have gone to him, but it was raining lightly outside and I think it’s his job to find the correct address. So I decided to wait for him instead.

To my annoyance, even after five minutes, he hadn’t budged an inch. “What is wrong with this guy?” I mean, every house and building on this street has an address plate (表札) outside, it’s not like we are in the middle of nowhere. Feeling irritated, I went to him and pointed out that my house was actually located over there, while he was waiting at 1-2-5, clearly indicated on the address plate right in front of him. I spoke to him in a slightly annoyed tone, not an angry one.

It’s not the first time I encounter shippers who struggle with reading address plates and end up inconveniencing me, but at least they apologize for being late or getting lost so I’ve never made a big deal out of it, except for displaying a grumpy face. Well, this particular guy didn’t apologize at all, which really ticked me off. We ended up arguing back and forth for about five minutes about who was in the wrong here. He stubbornly insisted that he had gone to the right place, but no one had come out to collect the food. “No, you didn’t,” I retorted. “My address is 1-2-3, and you are standing in front of 1-2-5. Can’t you see the address plates everywhere?” Then he said, “But your address says 1-2-5,” and showed me his Wolt app screen. To my surprise, it actually displayed 1-2-5.

For a brief moment, I thought, “Did I mistakenly enter the wrong address and unjustly blame this poor guy?” I quickly pulled out my phone and checked again. No, I made no mistake. My app clearly showed 1-2-3, just as I remembered. In other words, the Wolt system had somehow decided to be a genius and showed the shipper an address that I hadn’t entered. Realizing that this wasn’t his fault, I apologized for unfairly accusing him (though, technically, it wasn’t my fault either). He was really cool about it, shook my hand, and said there was no problem. He even wished me a good meal and said “お互いに頑張ろう” before leaving.

It’s frustrating to think that I got angry at a nice young guy over a mistake caused by the app. I felt like an asshole. This isn’t the first time this app has made such stupid errors. Like, sometimes when you order from a supermarket on Wolt, if one or two items that you’ve ordered are sold out, instead of canceling the order they would deduct the price of the unavailable items. I don’t have an issue with this until this one time when the delivery guy asked me to pay the full price, despite two items being sold out. I told him to check the app again, as the updated price should be displayed there. He tried turning the app on and off, but it still showed the full price.

Fuck this app. If you happen to know anyone who works for this garbage please tell them they need to shove it up to their ass.

tldr: the address displayed on the shipper’s app was different from the address I entered so he went to the wrong one. We argued about it for 5 minutes without realizing it’s not our fault but the stupid app’s.

  1. You took more time writing this than it would take to walk a little and get your food.

    You control what bothers you.

  2. I had the same problem in Fukuoka, they went to the wrong side of the building and then I had to go find them

  3. Don’t you think the app’s customer service is the best place to rant to instead of a long post in Reddit? I’m sure it took you longer writing this post than arguing with the delivery guy

  4. I see someone is taking the Japanese mantra of “customer should be treated as god” quite to heart.

  5. i’ve never had problems with wolt, but ubereats once made my address way off and the delivery and i had to wonder around a bit to find each other

  6. I am not familiar with Wolt but can you add some info about what your apartment looks like or add an apartment name? My bf’s apartment is always hard to find for delivery people so he does that on Uber Eats. He can also watch the gps of where they’re going and if he sees they’re going in the wrong direction, he can message them.

    Not a food app, but once I ordered pizza and wrote my address wrong. The delivery guy still found me and told me I wrote it wrong and I should add the apartment name so even if I make a mistake, at least they can know by the apartment name. I was so apologetic and the delivery guy was so nice about it. 😀

  7. What kind of delivery app doesn’t let you send a message to the delivery person?

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