Automated Telephone Prompt: “Press *2 For English”

I’m trying to get in touch with SBI / Shinsei Bank customer service, and the automated voice prompt asks the caller to press “star two” for English assistance. On my mobile phone, however, when I press “*” and “2” on the keypad, nothing happens. I must be doing it wrong. Can anyone help me out here? Thanks.

  1. Are you calling from a landline, from a pulse telephone? Might have to press “*” or “#” or “トーン” button once before it will generate DTMF tones.

    Ref: ダイヤル回線でプッシュトーンを発信するためには、電話がつながった後に電話機の「*」「#」「トーン」「PB」などのボタンを押してください。

  2. It’s probably better to search for DTMF + (android / iOS) or your specific phone model.

  3. Phreak it.

    1. Grab a laptop/PC with speakers, and browse to a [DTMF Tone Generator website](
    2. Make your phone call to that automated service via your mobile.
    3. When you’re asked to push buttons, hold your mobile up to the laptop/PC speaker and push the required buttons on the generator site.

    If done right, the automated system should hear the tones and accept them as coming from your mobile phone.

    This is literally how some of the first “hacking” was accomplished (though with much more analogue equipment) back in the 80s. If it works, congrats! You’re now a modern-day phreaker. Pretty badass if you ask me 🙂

  4. Could be something wrong with your phone, could be something wrong with their system. Haven’t called Shinsei for a few years but have never had issues pressing “*[some number]” on my mobile phone in any automated phone system.

    If all else fails, just keep pressing zero until you get an operator.

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