Anyone else suffocating because of humidity?

I used to live in France, and although I did have some mild respiratory issues back home (very rarely), it’s become a lot worse since I’ve come to Japan (been here for about 4 years).

Hot showers started suffocating me. So did hot weather, which I assume is due to humidity. I find relief when I have a fan turned on and pointing at me. The worst times for me are probably either when it’s extremely hot, or when rain is around the corner.

It probably has something to do with either my sleep apnea (diagnosed), or potential asthma (been tested here but nothing conclusive).

Is there anyone else in here that feels like they’re suffocating because of hot weather/humidity? Would love to hear your experiences.

  1. High levels of humidity can trigger asthmatic symptoms.

    Please also consider potential allergy issues, e.g. intolerance to foreign pollen (ragweed), as well as indoor agitations such as mold or dust.

  2. Yes. I lose hair in summer and getting red neck from heat and hot water…

  3. The most unpleasant feeling for me during summer is when heavy to moderate rain is followed by an intense sunshine. It really makes me lethargic.

  4. Not so much suffocating no, more like wishing I was dead every second of every day.

    I love Japan. I love my family, job, everything is great, but the summer and humidity here is the only thing right now that keeps me from committing to Japan for life. I HATE it.

    Yes I know we could move up north but we can’t due to needing to be close to my wife’s parents.

    I don’t mind when its drier towards the end of summer, I don’t mind dry winters here and that 2 seconds of Spring we get is lovely too, but the humidity….


    It’s always cloudy, the sky is literally one big cloud.

    It’s so humid it’s like walking in a spray of hot water.

    My breathing isn’t as good, I’m always tired and even my hair falls out a bit.


    You can probably tell, I’m not a happy bunny.

  5. Absolutely. We have 3 ACs and multiple dehumidifiers running 24/7 to keep the house at a tolerable 50-60% humidity. I’m thinking of buying one of those giant dehumidifiers that people use to dry laundry to bring us down below 50%.

  6. Yes humidity causes a lot of distress to those with asthma and some other respiratory diseases.

    Those suffering due to it must consult the doctor for getting prescription for bronchodilators. Inhalers/ tablets will alleviate the symptoms to a large extent.

  7. I get short of breath if I’m wearing a mask for any extended period of time now. Gets damp from the humidity and keeping it on is like waterboarding myself.

    Good ol Japan, nothing like walking outside at 8am in the summer to have my glasses instantly fog up and then sweat through my shirt before making it to the end of the block.

  8. I can feel you.

    People with pre-existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma or allergies, may be more susceptible to feeling suffocated in hot and humid conditions. There are studies proving that those individuals may experience heightened symptoms or increased sensitivity to changes in air quality.

    Also, the combination of heat and moisture in the air can make it feel heavy and difficult to breathe, especially for individuals coming from a more drier areas.

    In my case, I always stay hydrated to prevent dehydration. It can worse the respiratory symptoms. Also, I feel ”alive” when I turn on the AC. Can’t live without AC and proper ventilation.

  9. Yeah. Summer is hot.
    But seriously, I have very well controlled asthma and I do become a little wheezy in the mornings during summer on the odd occasion. The air quality deteriorates in a lot of places here in summer and it can become unhealthy for asthmatics, so that’s something to keep an eye out for.

  10. If I didn’t have the beach nearby, I would probably die. This is the only reason why I enjoy summer here.

  11. I’m the opposite. I grew up in Florida and the dry winters here really mess me up. I constantly get nosebleeds and sinus infections and I feel like my lungs are on fire if I run at all

  12. anyone knows if there any pills from heat allergy? I’m getting bold every summer. Wonder could it help… Any other doctor says I’m healthy..

  13. Me!! 😭 i step out to tend to my tomatoes (thanks dad) and the humidity just smacks the shit out of me taking the air out of my lungs. Holy crap idfk how I did it for 8 years, somehow living in the states for 3 years resets my whole being 😭😭

  14. I grew up in Thailand, it’s the dry air during winter that really messes me up. The skin on the back of my hands would literally break and bleed unless I use hand cream like every 2 hours lol. Same thing for my nose but wearing a mask helps. Sometimes I have to keep a moist pad of cotton inside a mask just so I can have some humidity to breathe in. It really sucks. Now I’m enjoying all the humidity I can get.

  15. Viens vivre à Hokkaido! We still have higher humidity than most French region (maybe not le Gers) but good breeze, lots of green space, and lower temp overall.

  16. My asthma, which had been in remission since childhood, returned with a vengeance within a year of moving to Japan. (part of the problem for me was initially living in a really drafty old apartment initially that would get condensation on the insides of the doors and windows, followed by mold — moving helped that situation, as did asthma medication.) I take cold/lukewarm showers this time of year because otherwise I just can’t deal, and I keep the air conditioner running most of the time, at least on dehumidifier mode.

  17. I’m having a POTS flare up. Hot weather and humidity is really bad for me. I got those -3 degree body wipes and a portable fan, but going out during daytime knocks me out.

  18. I think the weather here lately has been fantastic! I prefer humidity over dryness. My skin feels better in Tokyo than in Stockholm where it’s so dry. And compared to Thailand, I don’t sweat as much here.

    As others said, staying hydrated helps!

  19. Of course it doesn’t help that Japan’s time zone is “wrong “, in the sense that the morning commute is more like the middle of the day in some countries in terms of where the sun is in the sky. The sun has been up for hours. Would be nice to have a few hours of light in the evening as well. Can’t imagine they will change it anytime soon, but it has been considered.

  20. I grew up in desertish weather its my first summer here and it will be my last. I’m 26 yet I feel like I have menopause I am NOT a stinky person but by the time I get to work I need a second shower. I am MISERABLE right now

  21. I don’t have any diagnosed breathing issues and generally I’m fine but I do pant like a dog when walking around in this weather.

    The only problem I had before was the occasional coughing which I just could not seem to stop when just existing in London and that’s because the air there is absolutely disgusting – so bad I could feel how terrible it was, my lungs just felt urgh.

  22. Literally one of the reasons I left. The summers are so oppressive. Good luck, I hope you find a solution!

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