Japan or Canada ?

I am Japanese (20M) but never lived here for so long so i don’t feel quiet belong here.

Which is why I thought maybe living Canada is better.

But realize the cost of living might not be something i can afford there.

How would you recommend ?


More about myself:

I’m thinking of getting a degree first but not sure if i am capable of going to a Japanese Uni (my Japanese is actually quite good, but i could see myself struggling though).

But doesn’t seem like i can afford one in Canada either (since i don’t apply to domestic tuition over there)

Also sorry if the post doesn’t fit the sub but not sure where else to post lol.

  1. Are you dual citizen with Canada? If so, you can still get domestic tuition.

    If not, be prepared to pay a king’s ransom for tuition and for rent.

  2. Honestly? I lived in Canada most of my life and I lived in Japan, too. There’s no way in hell I’d recommend moving to Canada right now. Real estate prices are insane unless you want to live in the middle of nowhere. Anywhere near Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, etc. are all completely unaffordable. Not only that, there’s a serious lack of housing and a lot of people are blaming immigrants, the government, etc. for it. The health care system in Canada is good but there are way too many people, not enough doctors, etc.

    Inflation is awful, too. Everything is expensive. Tokyo is actually cheaper.

    I think Canada might be okay but it won’t be anytime soon. The government might change but the next government will make cuts to health care and you’ll end up with different problems. I think you should wait it out or maybe consider going elsewhere.

    Canada is, however, a really nice to place to visit. If you’ve never been to Vancouver, I’d highly recommend checking it out. Also, most Canadians are quite friendly too, which is always nice.

  3. Born and raised in Canada, I’ve lived here for over 15 years.

    My passport is expired and I don’t know to renew it, or nationalize.

  4. I recommend that you move to Victoria, BC. Rent a cheap place, find a job, or marry rich. This place is special.

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