SoP topics from non-traditional applicants?

Hello all,

I am applying for an ALT position in Japan. I am a pretty non-traditional application in that I am in my upper 30s and currently employed as a software engineer for a FAANG company (for software engineering this is a somewhat prestigious/impressive position that I am hoping will at least signal that I am intelligent individual to the selection committee). I know from searching this subreddit that there have been successful applicants in similar positions to my own in the past, so I’d love to connect and get some idea of what those folks have written in their SoP.


Thanks for any feedback or advice!

  1. You’ll have to show how mentoring people (if you have that experience) is similar to teaching. Show how your experience will apply to teaching.

  2. I talked about my personal background and what I did out side my job and how that applies to the CIR role

  3. Just wanted to chime in as a few other people have that getting an international transfer to Japan would be more ideal for your situation based on what you’ve shared.

    If you’re only doing JET to get more Japanese language experience, I would suggest you reconsider doing JET or any other teaching programs.

    There is no guarantee that you’ll get placed where you can easily pick up the language at work. There is also no guarantee that you can return to your job after JET.

    If your skills are good enough most (not all) FAANG companies will pay for you to learn Japanese, and you’ll make a lot more progress without sacrificing your current position.

    If you want to see what else is out there and returning to your current career isn’t a concern then in my experience, JET can be a great time to explore a different culture and way of living.

  4. Why do you want to leave a prestigious job to do alt teaching? You realize the pay cut yes?

  5. Sounds like you’re looking for a mid-career break. There are a few of us 30-somethings on the program who applied with a similar mindset.

    Yes, most people who come over are straight out of school with minimal to no work experience. You can use your work history as an advantage, but you also will need to explain why you’re applying (ie: use your established skills in new ways/reiterate how you will use these skills in a classroom).

    The panel won’t really care about your “prestigious” previous position; just what you show them. If you come across awkward, weird or have nothing to offer in a classroom, then a kid who just graduated can be more appealing than you.

    It’s worth applying. I left one of the biggest studios in my industry (and took a huge pay cut) to come here. If nothing else, the job is the least stressful one I’ve ever had and it’s pretty fun.

  6. >this is a somewhat prestigious/impressive position that I am hoping will at least signal that I am intelligent individual to the selection committee

    Nah, they don’t care. Intelligence is not high on the list of priorities. Flexibility and understanding that you are there to do anything asked of you, is the main thing.

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