Airbnb in Japan

Hi, I have a question about Airbnb’s. I booked one, and the host sent me a link where I have to fill out a form that needs my Passport Number and Passport Image. Apparently it has to do with a Japanese Homestay Law where I am required to provide all that info. Is that true.

  1. Yes, you have to fill those details for each and every person that will be staying at AirBnB.

  2. Had to show my passport at my last hotel Andy vrbo asked for it ahead of time for this trip. Common thing when traveling I think.

  3. It is mandatory for hotels to record this information if you are a foreigner. Airbnbs are now regulated as hotels so they must follow the same rules.

  4. PLEASE DO NOT use airbnb in Japan. Airbnb has ruined housing across the globe because large corporations buy up all the single family housing making unaffordable for young families.

    Japan is especially susceptible because of limited resources.

    Hotels are cheap enough in Japan!

  5. Yea ,as host here I am forced to do that “by law” even though nobody ever request these copies that I am meant to keep …idiotism and waste of time

  6. passport is the norm. Doesn’t matter hotel or airbnb or hostel, everywhere will normally ask to make a copy of your passport. The only exceptions I’ve run into are minshuku and small guesthouse types where they don’t have a copy machine or scanner.

  7. Yes it’s true. Weirded me out when it first happened to me in 2018, but now I’ve learned to take it as a red flag if they DONT ask for passport photos.

  8. Totally correct, every hotel asked me for my passport before I checked in. Hosting is super well regulated.

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