Weekly Complaint Thread – 06 July 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. I am what’s referred to in the sciences as “A Sweaty Betty.” Even in the winter, I tend to sweat quite a bit (which sucks extra, because it’s already cold and so my feet get painfully cold and clammy), so now that 暑いですね season is upon us I just constantly look like that Key & Peele nervous sweat gif.

    So maybe this next part is on me, but I got a pair of crocs after my last sandals died, and literally before leaving the genkan I’m making squeak-squeak noises with every step. Therefore I have to either accept that everyone in earshot will hear me sounding like I’m in clown shoes, or embrace the total descent into dad-ness and do socks with crocs. (Seriously tho, how tf do people wear them without sweating??)

  2. I hate snowboard fame here. No choice in ski wearing. Only big baggies and shit, that could be great for freeride ski. But I’m looking for standard wear for giant training.

    Plus I have no idea why is snowboard so popular.

  3. Is it normal that colleague use my zoom account to send herself files from my computer?

    She wants some files that I did, actually it’s in a shared folder, but I was not in the office. So she use the computer and send the files with my zoom account to herself.
    Without informing me.

    Is it happened in other companies? She kept said that, the computer belongs to the company.

  4. My teacher for blender class goes way too quickly through her explanation. Like if you are even one second behind trying to find the tool she’s using or the texture or whatever, you’ll fall behind and it’s super hard to catch up because she just keeps going and going. So when this happens to me and I get lost, I’ll raise my hand and ask for help, but without fail she always jumps to the problem being I didn’t understand her because Japanese hard. Except that almost all the Japanese students are also completely lost. I see so many just give up trying to follow and play games on their laptops. This teacher is constantly taking time out of explanations to specifically apologize to the foreign students for “all the difficult kanji on the slide” but it’s just normal jouyou kanji 🫠She also puts English in the slides sometimes and specifically calls us out to say she put it there for us… but most of the other foreign students in the class don’t know English.

  5. Got caught in a hail storm coming back last week. Biggest hail I’ve ever seen, almost golf ball sized. Cracked the windshield in 2 places and the roof and hood is covered in dents.
    I couldn’t go today so my wife went to Toyota to get the windshield fixed. She asked if the Harrier use thin, low quality sheet metal since we got so many dents.
    They told her that had it been a foreign car it would probably been ok.
    You see, foreign car makers use a thicker gauge of sheet metal to protect the passengers in the car in the event of a collision. Japanese makers however use a thiner, more elastic metal to minimize damage to *all* cars involved in a collision. We had a small fight when I expressed doubt over that explanation. I’m too synical she said.

  6. Wow, Yamato people are such a bunch of dickheads. Despite me marking “leave at the front door” while making my order at Amazon, these cunts leave a undelivered notice. Whose gonna tell those gooch lickers that people have to go for work, no one stays home except on a holiday.

  7. The amount of very smelly salarymen in the train is insane. Yesterday evening I had to pull up my shirt and cover my nose because I could barely hold myself back from throwing up.

    But sure, us foreigners are the bad smelling ones.

  8. mama charis have a really bad ease of maintenance to features ratio. Why do I need to take off so many things just to change out my rear tire?

  9. People on the train that occupy empty seats with their bags and suitcases. One guy on the train used two seats for his luggage and didn’t care that people were standing. This isn’t an airplane that you can book 3 chairs and pay for them. Ughh

  10. i’m sad and isolated in inaka. i need help but there isn’t any for many kilometers away.

  11. I understand portions are small here but went for a ランチセット today at a small local cafe. It was a toastie (grilled cheese) that – I am not joking you – was HALF the size of a small smartphone then cut into half again with a tiny salad and a bite sized apple pie for ¥1000. Chef must’ve used like a third of a slice of bread I swear.

    I’m English/French and at home we never ate particular big portions growing up anyway but this was the tiniest sandwich I have ever seen in my life. 😂😂😅😅

  12. I am leaving my company at the end of this month.

    Over the last four years I have been internally promoted to the point where I was in charge of the entire development department (small company so not that many people, but a lot of responsibility)

    Part of my departure from this company involves handing over all the shit I’ve been handling on my own for the last few years. I’ve been making a really strong effort to document everything, uncover any holes that I might have forgotten about, and make sure the teams can operate without my input while I’m still here, so that the transition to me actually not being there is as smooth as possible.

    In this process, one of my team members accused me of intentionally holding back information to make their job more difficult, and vehemently disagreed with my method of “making sure that people can do things without my help while I’m still here”. They think that they shouldn’t be saddled with some of these responsibilities, and gave me a verbal beating in slack about it.

    I’m just exhausted with the process at this point. Like I get that this person doesn’t want to have to do some of the stuff I was doing. But somebody has to, and if they don’t want to do these things then they too should just quit. It feels like everybody on the team views me as their dad and is accusing me of leaving them, but its just a fuckin job.

  13. Realizing all my int’l travel wishes will never come to fruition, not with this skyrocketing ticket prices.

  14. I figured out a tortilla recipe that works every time and now I’m eating too many damn tortillas

    ETA recipe:

    1.5 cups all purpose flour (or 50:50 薄力 and 強力 flour)
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    4 tbsp oil (I use canola oil)
    1/2 cup warm water

    Mix to get it into a smooth ball shape, let rest under plastic wrap in bowl for 15-20 min, cut into ~8 balls and roll out* and put in pan on medium high heat (no oil in pan), should puff up, flip when puffy, set aside on plate under towel

    *I roll a new ball out while one is cooking, and keep the rest under the plastic wrap

  15. I’m complaining about the daily complaining thread. Soon there will be hourly complaining thread. Should make a complaining sub while you’re at it. And complain to your heart’s desire.

  16. Bought a fancy screen from Huawei, which broke down after a month (keeps restarting). Shit happens. Sent it in for repair, get it back after a couple of days with the message: “we couldn’t find any issue with our inspection software, so we are sending it back without repair “. Test it and of course it’s still the same issue.

    Suspect that the power supply is broken and it has obviously not been checked. Tried other outlets, other buildings, other computers, no computer so am positive that it is not a problem on my end. Seriously pissed right now.

  17. Why is there no Popeyes chicken in Japan. I know they are on bases but there should be at least one outside. I’m KFC’d out

  18. Wtf. I was walking home from the supermarket just now when I was stopped by a woman that looked like a kindergarten teacher, apron, name tag.
    She spoke English and said ‘Hello Mr.Tuxedo’ (?!), I even asked her to repeat herself because I thought I misheard. Then she asked me if I was American and insisted on giving me a mugicha.
    That’s probably my weirdest interaction I’ve had here in my 8 years.

  19. Not even 400 complaints this week?
    What has japanlife become, a circle of happy people??

  20. Bought an aircon and it was supposed to be installed today. Find out it’s about 2-3cm too tall. I have no idea how to ship it back plus I still need to find an aircon that will fit.

  21. The price of most of the things went up significantly but salaries are still the same.
    No one is complaining about this.
    That’s my complaint.

  22. today is the THIRD time i’ve called attention to a price discrepancy that daiei has not yet fixed. tell me again it’s not shady AF!

  23. Job hunting 4 months in, nothing so far. It’s brutal, especially in this heat, I feel irritated and angry all the time.

  24. Two interviews this week and two job offers. Complaint is that the conditions advertised are MUCH different to what was mentioned ib the interview.

    Both places looked great and the staff were super kind. I can deal with shit money as I’d be getting taught something I love, but I would never have applied if the conditions were actually written correctly. Disappointing.

  25. Saw something I liked on Mercari. Went to like it. Find out I have been blocked by the seller…and it’s someone I’ve never sold to, bought from, commented on etc. Googled and apparently this is just something the anal people of Mercari do for no fucking reason. I’m guessing it’s because I’ve sold something by an artist this person also has some listings for? I dunno.

    I have a perfect seller and buyer rating on Mercari, too.

    Mercari is great and yet…not so great. The unspoken arbitrary rules are so painfully Japan.

  26. Two healthy kids with appetites to match isn’t a real complaint, so here’s more of a humorous complaint.

    Wife shakes an almost-empty milk carton “I can’t find the leak, but I think there’s a hole in this milk carton.”

    Me – “Two”, while nodding my head where the kids are playing.

  27. One of the main issues with my ADHD since forever is how much I struggle keeping things tidy. It’s irritating from a personal standpoint because my living space gets overwhelming very quickly, but also (understandably) annoying as heck for whoever lives with me. It gets extremely upsetting having to hear every day about something else I’ve forgotten to tidy away, absentmindedly left somewhere etc. Even if I try my absolute best nothing solves it. I even took 4 days off work in March just to completely tidy everything and hopefully start off on a new foot but it’s already back to being as bad as it was before. It’s exhausting.

  28. Air-con in the lounge decided to die. Working fine for most of the day, but it sounds like, from the error codes, that the outdoor unit has given up on its mechanical life. Now we have to wait for the house owner to get a new one installed.

  29. Already seen 3 divorce related posts here today while I’m going through the painful dating phase. Absolutely hate that finding a good match is so hard…

  30. Went to a restaurant for a special occasion and saw that they had chateaubriand, my favorite back home. It was ¥7000 but I thought “eh, fuck it it’s a special dinner” and could not have been more disappointed. It was literally the size of a cookie and not cooked the way I asked. People here really don’t know how steak works or how to cook it lol

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