Broken Phone – Line (App) Access

I was just in a car crash and my phone is broken. Is there a way to retrieve my Line account on my laptop or at all? I have people I need to contact, but I have no method to do so. Any help would be appreciated.

  1. Unfortunately, to use the PC version of Line, you must authenticate using your smartphone.

  2. Laptop is a secondary login of LINE so you will need a device to login. Try to get a new phone asap so that at least you can still keep 14 days of your chat history.
    Can you keep the same phone number?
    Do you remember your email and password?
    If yes for both, then you should be able to recover your line account on the new phone.
    Details are [here](

    If you somehow you have forgot the password, I think there is still a slight chance by contacting their [customer service](

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