Opinion: Is permanent residency worth it (on the slight chance that I will return)?

I’m currently on my 9th year in Japan, and am considering a longterm (possibly permanent) break from the country. This isn’t out of a hate for Japan, I kinda just feel ‘done’ at the moment (could be related to work-related burnout, though I also definitely feel a tad ho-hum about living here, and have for a while).

I plan on doing some travel after finishing up my contract (possibly longterm), and relocating to another country after doing so (or returning here should I happen to have the desire). I am leaning towards doing this in early 2023, though if I were to renew my contract for another year I would be eligible for permanent residency (a possible backup should I decide to return).

I realize that this is largely a matter of opinion, but it would be great to hear from those who have gone through the work of getting PR – and possibly even those who have left the country and come back with PR (or have chosen to not return). It’s definitely a decision that I have been struggling with recently. An extra year isn’t that long, though I’m wondering if I’m downplaying the difficulty in getting PR, as well as any possibly negatives with leaving the country with it (I’ve only heard of ‘gift tax’ which isn’t a factor in my case).


  1. do you intend to/foresee yourself as living/having reason to live here long term in the future?

    yes? do it.

    no? don’t do it.

    not sure? do whatever?

  2. I have not gotten mine yet, as I only submitted the application last week, but honestly it is not terribly difficult to gather what you need for the application, assuming you have been paying taxes, health insurance, pension, etc.

    I would think having the option would always be better than not having it, and since it isn’t a huge amount of work… I say go for it!

  3. PR is not a huge commitment. Finding a guarantor was the most time-consuming. The rest was a trip to the ward office, a trip to the tax office, a trip to immigration, everything done in one day. And the 8000 yen tax stamp.

    If.you meet the requirements, cost does not seem too steep for the freedom of action it gives you.

  4. This is only somewhat related to OP’s question, but what don’t permanent residents also require a reentry stamp? What happens if you don’t know when you’ll get back?

  5. The one big benefit of getting PR:

    – You will be treated more like a Japanese national from a governmental, immigration, tax and banking standpoint

    The one big drawback of getting PR:

    – You will be treated like a Japanese national from a tax standpoint

  6. If you’ve lived here for 9 years then you evidently like it enough that it would be worth keeping on the list of “countries I could move to if I decide I don’t like the one I’m already in”.

  7. I got it then let it lapse after moving back to the States. Then when my job situation deteriorated, I moved back to Japan and it took me a while to get PR again. If you get it, be prepared to maintain it, which requires returning occasionally.

  8. Also, you don’t need to apply for a visa every time with all the paperwork and long visits to the immigration office. Also you can get preferential loan rates from the banks.

  9. Has anyone gone through the PR application process without doing status change applications for the household members concurrently? I have family currently out of Japan on proper reentry permits while still on the residence rolls (e.g. going to school overseas).

  10. Being on the line for all the potential taxes is probably not worth it for most.

    The best long term plan for Japanese residency is a career and a grasp of the language; then you can probably come back anytime in the event you decide you would like to retire in Japan.

    Also it’s a coin toss whether Japan will be a place you want to live long term given it’s economic direction at present.

    Just my own thoughts after meditating on the question for a few years.

  11. You’re basically asking “is it a good idea to have options?”

    The answer is almost always yes

  12. That’s a lot of miasma for people to configure about you.

    What are your serious life-choices?

    On the paltry evidence of numbers alone that you provide: 1:9 then the ratio only makes sense to complete to access citizenship.

    Unless you provide alternative information of an extreme sort peculiar to your condition.

  13. Don’t bother. You’ll be back in a year or so anyway. Life is good here. If you’re going back to the US, you’ll most likely be packing your bags to come back within a year.

  14. > I am leaning towards doing this in early 2023

    Personally I would get the PR. Also, it’s not a good ideal to leave at the start of a tax year, you incur the full residence tax bill if you are in the country on Jan 1. Best to leave in Nov or Dec.

  15. I have a related question that is relevant to OP.

    Assuming you get the PR and the 5-year re-entry permit, is it possible to say to your city you will move out but say to immigration that you intend to return? Are you still liable for any taxes while you are outside of Japan in this case?

  16. Worth getting to keep your options open. Especially as you’ve paid so much pension here.

    That being said, if you apply from 10 years, then have to wait up to a year (more likely half a year?) for the process, then the application fails for some stupid reason, then you want to finish your work contract… Then before you know it, you’re an old man (or woman)…

  17. Don’t you need a place of residence? Can you state no place? This is the issue.

  18. You seem to have doubts about your plan of not returning so I say worth it. Just remember to maintain it until you’re sure you’re not coming back. If you lived all those 9 years in Japan you might’ve got used to life here and you’ll have a reverse cultural shock returning.

  19. Worth. Every. Penny.
    Do yourself a favor and get it asap if you can. The mentality of not being tied to anything alone is worth it.

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