Fully Ban the retail of Plastic Bags at Japanese Convenience stores

I think by now who live in Japan at least know that single use plastic bags and wrappings of product seems extremely wasteful and counter intuitive to battling Climate change and pollution. The Japanese government therefore in an effort to limit its single use plastic waste enacted a fee on all plastic bags for sale which prior to the policy was given for free. The steep charge of 3Â¥ for a small bag seemed to deter many customers.

What I was wondering , was whether the complete ban of providing plastic bags at convenience stores at least would be beneficial. For one it reduces plastic. Most people also often only buy a few items at a time rather than a full grocery stop. A lot of the times people who buy a lot of items and need a plastic bag is for a short distance to their car or if it’s a group of people. Similarly to Japan not having a lot of trash cans in the public, I feel like a complete ban on plastic bags would help Japan’s state of plastic waste as well. I do wonder what kind of policy, education or facilities would be needed for it as well as it does seem unrealistic and realistic at the same time.

Please tell me your thoughts and opinions


  1. What’s next?

    Ban the gift bag around the plastic bag containing the box of biscuits themselves wrapped by 5 and individually wrapped?

  2. No, there are no trash cans in Japan. I need those little bags from the familymart, I kept a few in my pocket when I was in Japan. I always end up waking around holding a small trash bag till I get home.

  3. Absolutely. Japan should ban those convenience store plastic bags.

    The people should just get used to living a life without one. It’s really not that complicated.

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