Too many smells at work

Ok, so I’ve been in Japan for seven years and I know that many Japanese people don’t wear deodorant and so they are a bit stinky. Cologne and perfume are worn, but the scents are sutle.

My issue is that one of my new coworkers (an ALT) I see only once a week smells like he bathes in AXE or something. I’ve been just ignoring it for three months. My JTE has started a diet of eating raw onions and now reeks of onions and BO.

I have to work with both of these people for one day a week, no big deal I can deal with one smell at a time. But this week the two smells combined and they are making me sick to my stomach.

What can I do to deal with this? Do I contact my dispatch company about it? Or am I being a big baby about the whole thing?

  1. Face mask with a mint pad in it. Works wonders on hot crowded trains as well. This is my secret for a tranquil and harmonious Japan scent life.

  2. “don’t wear deodorant and so they are a bit stinky.”

    As your problem shows, deodorant doesn’t cover the smell of BO, you just have an unholy mix of the two. Antiperspirant helps though.

    Give them some “omiyage” antiperspirant from overseas, or rub some Vicks under your nose.

  3. Send your concerns about the AXE guy up the chain, everyone will appreciate it even if they don’t know what happened.

  4. I’m kind of an asshole and prefer the direct approach. But I also prefer people take the direct approach with me.

    If I used too much axe or something I’d prefer it if someone just told me as such so I could lay off it.

    Of course be diplomatic about it. Don’t just be like “Wow you smell!”

    Instead be like “Hello friend, are you aware you smell?”

    Much better.

  5. This might not be a popular sentiment and I may be being a jerk but… I personally think this post is childish.

    How close are you to these people to be getting full whiffs of their scent? I can’t smell anyone unless they’re right up in my face, can you take a step back?

    He is probably wearing a lot of deodorant because it’s the middle of summer and the alternative is smelling like sweat and death.

    How long exactly are you in contact with these people and their scents each day? Your post says you work with them one day a week… Are we talking the whole day or 50 minutes?

    Ultimately you’re an adult, so are they. Going behind their backs to contact the dispatch company is cowardly, you can use your big boy/girl words and speak to them. If it’s genuinely so bad that you need it to change, you can say something firm and direct.

    “Excuse me I’m having trouble working because of the way you smell.”

  6. Raw onion diet? That’s one of the weirdos diets I’ve herd of lol

  7. When I was working for a temp agency and responsible for the people I hired, I got a call once from a client who said : we are very happy with the worker you sent us, but as a 40 year old guy I’m not going to tell a teenaged girl that she smells of BO. Can you please take care of that for me? That was one of the hardest things I had to do. My advice would be that there is no way that this is a nice message. You can only deliver it as delicately as possible. You might also give them some goods like persimmon soap (excellent against BO), some deodorant and some body wipes. I would also inform my manager or HR BEFORE having that conversation to cover your own ass. It’s a very hurtful and emotional topic with a huge shame attached to it for most and you don’t want to be accused of bullying. Good luck.

  8. Im sorry… what? You need to contact your dispatch company because of people you work with one day a week smell a little weird? Seriously?

  9. Peppermint essential oil or other under your nose or in a mask. Police and fire use this when they clean up ripened corpses.

  10. Ngl I used to have lessons with a man with unfortunately intense BO. The small room was fumigated. I could almost taste the air.

    I understand you OP.

  11. I doubt the dispatch company will care. The masks people recommend are a good work around.

    There isn’t an easy way to tell someone they stink, so I don’t know what you can do about Onion-Sensei. As for the Axe Man, you could consider saying you are really sensitive to strong smells such as perfume / cologne and that they make you feel physically ill, and could they refrain from using it on the day you are there. If it’s part of their daily routine they are will probably forget, but you never know.

    It’s also kinda hilarious that nobody has said anything to the ALT about cologne already though. If it’s not allowed for the students then it’s usually not allowed for the teachers and I know wearing scents at school is usually frowned on.

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