Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 07, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Learning through Busuu, loving it so far. Only thing is I feel like I’m losing a lot of the speaking I’m learning as there’s no chance to review. I’ve found [this speechling site](https://speechling.com/tools) but currently it’s useless as it doesn’t seem to cover the stuff I’m learning. Just wondering if anyone knows a better platform to review, focused on phrases, responding to questions, asking questions etc? Conversation stuff, not just grammar or kanji. Thank you!

  2. When making a sentence polite should every verb be changed to polite form or just the final verb/copula?

    Should the sentence 毎日見に来るんだ become 毎日見に来ますのです or 毎日見に来るんです?

  3. Japanese has so many onomatopoeia, I was wondering, is there some piece of writing which just uses onomatopoeia and nothing else?

    I’m not sure if you could express something complicated enough with them to avoid using other words, though.

  4. context: speaker is going about MANY things we live for or purpose in life たりたりたり….

    1. all is good until のも. I am unable to understand the first and second sentence completely?


    結婚したり 友人をつくったり するのも安心するためだ

    2. when i use 自分 (ie. ourselves) i am used to pairing it with 自分の.. “our own”

    I want to learn why use を here but how would the meaning change if を is の?自分の安心..

    translation: It’s all for our own peace of mind.


  5. 3 questions:

    1. meaning of もの vs もん ending, dict: indicated reason or excuse? if using these two endings are they gender neutral? correct me if im wrong じゃんis more commonly used for girls? (i have heard female natives use it often + it does sound girly)
    2. just putting this here, had me questioning what would happen in convos

    あんまり vs あまり. あまり: not really あんまり: too much, unreasonable

    this is discussed on [stackexchange](https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/1866/%E3%81%82%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8A-meaning-too-much)

    3. お腹空くーお腹空いたーお腹すいちゃんたんだもん??

    もん ending aside, isn’t ちゃった used for accidental events? like, **I** **slipped** (how do i say this in japanese lol..)

  6. Question 1:

    I dropped a can and it got dented up. I said “Don’t worry, I’ll drink the ugly one” using the word busaiku which got a laugh, but now I’m wondering how you say “ugly” for objects rather than people?

    Question 2:

    I wiped up some of the condensation from the glasses leftover on the table and my friend gave me a questioning look. I wanted to say something like “I don’t know, it was just bothering me” but I couldn’t think of a good way to say that and the moment passed. Any suggestions?

  7. The below is a question where I was asked to fill in the section in parentheses with one of several choices. Could someone please explain why the below sentence is unacceptable? The use of ため seems a little odd to me but I’m not sure if that’s the problem.



  8. Is “Betsu ni” considered a phrase that generally has a positive or negative connotation? In the dictionary, I see that is often translated as “whatever”.

    However, I see it in a lot of dialogue choices in social sim games and this choice is typically seen as a positive or friendly choice. The thing is that in English, the phrase “whatever” is considered rude, so I’m wondering if it is more like “sure” or “I don’t mind”, but I feel those are more like “kamawanai” or something.

  9. Anyone else here use KanjiKoohi for RTK? Trying to decide when to be hitting the YES or the HARD buttons. At the moment I click hard if i need the story to remember it but I’m not sure if that’s allowing me to progress well.

    Also mods open back up the sub you tyrants.

  10. I’ve been reading a story where the author uses the “to” “i” “u” hiragana characters as some kind of connective between a name and a profession. What do these connectives mean? Is this equivalent to “to” “yu”? If so, what do those connectives mean together?

  11. How do some Japanese twitch streamers show what they are saying being live transcribed. Is that just off the shelf TTS. How come it is that accurate.

  12. What is „Only hard work is real work“ in Japanese? I have this translation so far: ただ努力こそ真の仕事です

  13. There’s a song on YouTube that I like with this title “珀 – 涙淵に沈む”.

    I know the meaning of it (no translation needed), but need help with the reading(s) of “涙淵”.

    I’m unsure if it’s “Namida” + “Buchi”, “Rei” + “en” or “Rui” + “en”. Can someone help?

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