Need Some Advice Regarding Students Knowing where I Live

Hi all, I live literally 5 minutes from my elementary school. I figured at some point the kids would see me walking to my house and follow me, and today that exact think happened. Two sixth grade girls were asking me questions about English and walked alongside me. When I got to my apartment, they acted like it was a big deal that they knew where I lived, so I just said “himitsu” because I I’m genuinely afraid they are going to show their friends where I live and I’ll get a bunch of students at my door. I’m just realizing later that telling two students to keep the fact they know where I live a secret can be very easily misconstrued if they do tell anybody. What should I do? I’m thinking of telling my principal about it so he knows, but I don’t know enough Japanese to properly explain what happened. Should I just forget about it, am I overthinking it? I just really don’t want this to turn into misunderstanding. I’m new to teaching so I don’t know how to approach these things. Thank you in advance.

  1. I wouldn’t overthink it. I had two 6th grade girls figure out where I live as well cos I mentioned the vague area in class one time. I can speak a bit more Japanese though so I was fine explaining why I didn’t want them to tell anyone (same as you). I think they will mostly just be excited because they live in a similar area. Many of the teachers you work with will have quite a commute. Plus, I think kids forget that teachers are real people with houses sometimes

    But it’s not like you invited them in, so don’t worry so much. If you tell your principal he’ll probably just laugh. If you’re worried, explain it to a JTE first. But I wouldn’t stress.

  2. They are 6th graders. They will forget or lose interest in about a week. Dont stress too much OP. Now if they come to your house that is when you attempt to escalate it with higher ups or just scold them yourself.

  3. I had a student who lived in the same apartment building as me. Nothing ever happened except her mum sometimes said ‘Hi’ to me in the carpark.

  4. Three seventh grade girls found out where I lived and decided to pay a visit when I wasn’t there. My housemate (I lived in a sharehouse at the time) opened the door when they knocked and he was like wtf. I didn’t want to make it a bigger problem than it was and just told them not to do it again and they didn’t come again. Problem easily solved.

  5. It’s fine, you’re overthinking it. The kids will forget about it in a week. You’re lucky theyre elementary school, there’s less chance of any of them falling in love with you and stalking you home. I swear I remember reading a story on Reddit about that…

  6. All of my neighbors are my students. Don’t let them get a rise out of you.

    The most brazen thing is I had a sixth grade girl knock on my door and then not really know what to do.

    All I told her was “hi! Do your parents know you came over here?”

    She ran off to go bring them over to introduce me and I still get drinks with her dad five-ish years later. He’s a very cool dude.

    Whenever you have a situation where kids are pushing boundaries, make sure their parents are in the loop, or if you don’t have contact with their parents, that the HRT is in the loop.

    These things happen. Just don’t encourage it, and don’t let them see it affects you.

  7. This is pretty common in more rural areas. No need to worry about it. Just don’t be a dum dum and let them into your apartment.

  8. You’re overthinking it. The community probably knows where you live already and no one’s going to bother you unless you’re the type that’s lecherous or a drunk.

  9. Yikes. Nothing will likely come of it but yeah, don’t use that word with kids here.

    Why do you live a 5 minute walk away from your school?

  10. Don’t worry about it. I lived in a company house within view of the school. Every kid knew where I lived. They only time it ever came up was when one girl delivered a Christmas card to my house.

  11. I’ve had some of my JHS boys follow me home from school to see where I live lol. Like all my students know where I live because I walk to and from work everyday and the 2 school I teach at are in the same school district. I wouldn’t worry too much about it OP. As long as they’re not just showing up at your place or knocking on your door you’re fine.

  12. I had a similar situation in my third year where a very ‘odd’ 4th grade student took a picture of the apartment complex I lived in and then proceeded to air drop the photo to all of his friends, the HRT was very quick to react and had all the students delete the photo before apologizing, the class apparently had a big lecture the next day about respecting boundaries of teachers but nothing came out of it as it was just a single ES kid, I’m glad it was only in ES as I have heard about JHS students stalking ALTs and leaving stuff outside their apartment.

  13. You’re fine. I live close to a lot of my students and sometimes I get home right as they finish walking home so our paths cross. None of them really care, it’s just like a fun little tidbit of info.

    The kids aren’t going to want to go to their teacher’s house during their free time. Mine (depending on age) won’t even say hi to me when they see me in public lol. If it happens bring it up with your JTE or principal, but I highly doubt you have anything to worry about.

  14. Don’t worry about it. Super doubt they’ll say that to anyone, and no one will misunderstand the situation if they do. Pretty much all my students know exactly where I live and they never ever bother me. But a couple weeks ago I had my door cracked and I heard some boys ride by on their bikes excitedly saying in English “____ sensei house, _____ sensei house!!”

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