Biking on bigger roads?

I’m planning on biking a few hours south to Kanagawa, and was wondering on the condition of bicyclists on bigger/main roads. Here in Mitaka its fine on bigger roads and there’s bike lanes too, but I’m unsure about the more rural parts of western Kanagawa, and how much traffic would be a problem there.

  1. Obey proper road rules and don’t use highways and you will be fine.

  2. Yup, avoid highways. And tunnels . Get up early to avoid the heat and traffic. Riding a river path is truck free but I can’t immediately see one you could follow. Where in Kanagawa are you headed? If you use google maps on mobile for directions by bicycle it provides street view for every turn , so you can see in advance what to expect. Or take your bike by train to a quieter area. It’s 5am now and I’m off out 🙂 enjoy.

  3. If you keep your eyes and ears open, you should have few problems, and as already mentioned don’t forget the river paths.

    Off out now, before the heat kicks in.

  4. You might ask at [tokyo cycle](, but I’d think from mitaka a good strategy would be to get over to the Tama and follow it down (or up if you want to go to the hills out near okutama).

  5. I don’t have a huge amount of experience, but I’ve never had any particular problems on roads in and around Tokyo. I’d advise doing some research with Google Street View etc. beforehand, and try and avoid heavily trafficed-roads as it’s not fun having to share the road with a non-ending streams of vehicles, but mostly once you get out of the Tokyo conurbation, it’s not too bad at all.

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