Bathroom unit door replacement

Hi, I’ve been living in an apartment for six years and my toddler son broke the bathroom unit door last week. It’s a sliding door and it’s probably over 8 years old. The bottom grill is broken (the welded parts came out) and it doesn’t close any more. We called the management company and they told us that, because we broke it, we would have to pay for the full cost of replacing it.

We don’t mind paying for it if it’s a reasonable price, but we’re a bit worried that the company will try to force on us some expensive option to make renting the place easier in the future when we move out.

It’s possible to have showers in the unit as the door goes more or less all the way without fully closing, so… is it worth holding out until we move out? Would the repair be covered by the initial deposit I made six years ago? And if not, is there a way to make sure they don’t try to force on us some over-the-top door super-expensive door installed by some friend of theirs that will charge double the normal price?

  1. Ask the management company: “what is the full price of replacing it?”

  2. A picture is worth *at least* a thousand words. Include several photos and perhaps someone will have an idea of how to fix it.

    There’s also at least one Facebook “DIY Japan” type group out there where people may have suggestions.

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