Are there resources to learn to differentiate r/d or long and short vowels?

Are there any resources to train your ear to difference between r and d or between long and short vowels? This exists for tones in many languages, [for example](, but I have not been able to find any for Japanese. Does this exist?

  1. -recites らりるれろ and だぢづでど- … well shit I never realized they were that close before.

    Not that I know of. I stumble around long and short vowels sometimes still. They tend to be just a beat longer and beat longer, and for おう tend to just be a more rounded sound at the end.

    It’s something I’ve just picked up over time, and with the aid of subtitles. Little つ also causes this problem. Sometimes it’s harder to distinguish if a double consonant is said or not.

    But once you start picking up words, and understanding sentences, the right word will come to mind and it’s less of a problem.

  2. Long and short vowels, which don’t really exist opposed to two identical vowels in a succession, come automatically once one pronounces and listens the moraic rhythm correctly, which one needs regardless. It’s better to focus on that, a subject which has many resources.

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