Tattoos for Forgieners

Hi there so I am an American living in Japan and I do have my fair share of tattoos and I have seen the signs at certain clubs and such around Tokyo talking about no tattoos but I’ve never been given any issue regarding my tattoos; even at an Onsen I went to up in Kurizawa late last year and haven’t received any issue so I was just curious if the culture changed in the last couple years since it’s all I ever heard about from coworkers when I told them I was moving here?

1 comment
  1. Really depends. I’ve been made to cover up my tattoos in some clubs while others didn’t give a shit.

    Never had any Onsen deny me entry (I always asked in advance).

    Work is a different thing though, but saying that the more traditional your place of employment gets, the more likely it is that you need to cover up your tattoos is probably a good rule of thumb.

    Most interactions I have about my tattoos are positive regardless of age, but I’ve also had one of my ex’s parents ask for an AIDS test due to my tattoos.

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