Unsure what kind of internet plan I can get

Hello, I recently moved into my new apartment and I am not too sure what kind of internet plan is suitable for my unit. I am on the 3rd floor.

I checked the NTT website and it seems like my apartment building supports NTT Fibre but I don’t see a fibre point in the apartment, only a telephone socket, and a couple of coaxial points.

I also checked NURO and it says my area is eligible for their service.

Am I doomed to be stuck with VDSL since I only have a telephone socket or can pay for the NTT technicians to come in and pull a fibre line in from the pole outside?

  1. Ask your landlord if Internet construction is permitted.

    If so, contact your desired provider and schedule an appointment.

  2. In my first apartment here I was able to have them install a fiber outlet. I got permission from the landlord and they internet company had a free construction offer. They just had to install and outlet in my apartment so it was quick and easy. Then I had to move and my new apartment could only get vdsl because they said they couldn’t run fiber lines to the apartment building. The vdsl was horrible so I switched to a docomo home 5g router. I’m right on the edge of their 5g coverage so I’m only getting 4g+ but it’s still more than 3x faster than the vdsl so it’s a good option if you can’t get fiber.

  3. If you’re on the 3rd floor and have permission from your landlord, and NTT agrees to put the wiring in, you should be able to get fiber and pick any provider.

  4. That means the previous tenant probably didn’t use hikari (cable TV based net, 5G or similar).

    Hikari is the best option and definitely get it with IPv6 and make sure it’s not PPPoE (congested, slow).

    If you order hikari, construction is needed which costs around ¥16,000. Most ISPs rely on NTT FLETS 光 for the last mile to get you connected with FTTH, so a NTT subcontractor company will come and install the fiber outlet and bring you the ONU. Line can come in through existing duct or aircon holes, for example.

    BB excite MEC 光 actually offers new contracts without construction fees and they even don’t tie you with two or three years contracts. They’re also listed as the cheapest eg. on kakaku.com.

    If you don’t want the bulky, power-consuming ONU box but use your own OPNsense/pfSense, DD-WRT or Mikrotik routerboard, you can get a mini GBIC SFP optical transceiver which they dubb 小型ONU (“オーエンニュー” in case you talk to them on the phone) initially at no charge (or exchange it anytime later for ¥6000).

  5. I ask my fudousan(house agent) about it and he recommends local internet provider. I paid 4400¥ for 100mbs(they also have 5500¥ for 1000mbs)with no construction charge and free 3months fee. I don’t know my choice is correct or not but I satisfied with the services

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