Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 06 July 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. My employer offered to recontract me but only gave me a week to consider the offer. I asked for more time and they said no. Problem is I want to get the contract looked at by Hello Work but a week leadup is too short for that appointment.

    Them pushing me for the contract feels sketchy, is there a minimum amount of time they have to allow me or am I buggin

  2. I’m going to start job seeking (Ideally tourism but open to others) soon – should I have business cards?

    I think it’s a bit odd but I’ve been given quite a few in the couple years I’ve been here

  3. I know that my power went out last night but I’m curious if Tepco has any listings on outages so I can see what time. I can check my solar computer stats since it says it lost internet connectivity at 12:30am.

    I tried to google (city name)停電 but couldn’t find anything.

  4. The high school ALTs I’ve talked to say high school students aren’t allowed to work. However, some of my junior high students got jobs at the local conbini as soon as they graduated. Supposedly just on the weekends. As far as I know, all my students went to high school. Sometimes I see them working on weekdays in the evenings, like I saw one when I was there at 9pm yesterday. My area does have poverty issues, so my guess there is some sort of exception for them. Does anyone know about this? I hope my kiddos are still in high school.

  5. Something I’ve been doing as a hobby looks like it could become a decent side gig, but for that I’m going to need to write up a contract in Japanese. Where do I start with this?

    For context: I’m sharing information about live music events, and would like a kickback from the venues based on tickets sold on my recommendation.

  6. For people who have bought a Kindle during recent Prime Day sales, what kind of discount should I expect?

  7. Reposting from complaint thread because it’s a thibly veiled stupid question anyway

    Ive been trying to contact my landlord for the past month or so about a leak in my house but he’s leaving me on read and not answering my calls. Based on prior conversations I’m pretty sure he’s fucked off to china

    I’m ready to get the city involved but I can’t stop thinking about what would happen if they ended up condemning the house.

    Would they pay to move me to an equivalent place? I have a golden retriever and two cats so even finding a place will be difficult and I definitely can’t afford a moving truck or any initial fees for a new place. Would the city just be like “fuck you, go live in the street”?

    I don’t think it’s likely to be condemned but I’m worried the water damage may be bigger than is showing, it’s giving me major anxiety.

  8. Leaving Japan for the first time since covid started, I’ll be back in less than a month. Anything special I need to do, other than check the re-entry box on my way out?

    I remember someone posting about some procedure you can do online ahead of time, but can’t recall what it is. Thank you in advance.🙏

  9. Since prime day is coming up. What is the best purchase from amazon that you recommend others?

  10. Got invited to a ex-coworker’s 宅飲み.. First time to attend something like this. Is there anything to expect or expected of me to do? I asked if they want me something to bring but they said no

  11. I have a NSW (Australia) driver’s license, but it’s a red Ps (provisional – zero alcohol in blood, driving limit to 90km/hr). (For anyone that doesn’t know, in NSW it’s a step system. So Learns permit, then red Ps, green Ps and then full license.)

    Does anyone know if I can I convert it to a Japanese License? I have an IDP.

  12. What is the best place to get meat like a whole chicken, a rack of ribs, etc.? A Japanese person recommended that I go to a 業務スーパー, but at least the one I visited was pretty weak with these kind of items.

    I’m looking to do some serious kettle grilling this summer, and I want to find a good source for these rarer items!

  13. Is anyone in the Tokyo area feeling the heat more this year? Or is it just me?

    I’m feeling it bad this year. Almost every day I feel sick because I’m too hot at work. (or I’m drinking too much Pokari Sweat and Aquarius). I got heatstroke at work twice over the last month or so. I’m worried that it might not actually be hotter this year, but that I might have a sickness or something that’s causing me to be affected more by the heat.

  14. If I get married to a Japanese person, can they call in to my workplace to tell them I’m sick?

    If they can, I should step up my game on finding a spouse lol

  15. Does anyone else’s company do this? Any time a family member of one of the employees dies, they email literally the entire company to announce it. My grandma is 92 and likely doesn’t have too many years left. I cringe to think that they will email everyone telling them my grandma died. The reason they would know this is I will have to apply for bereavement leave and travel back for the funeral.

  16. My company wants me to sign a 離職合意書 and would pay me what’s left of the month, as they are dismissing me next week (trial period ended before becoming 正社員)

    I will be able to get any unemployment with that paperwork? I think I have read in another threat that a 解雇通知書 is what’s needed.

    Sorry it’s my first time expecting this in Japan and I’m very confused.

  17. I’ve worked on a farm for a week before the owner angrily terminated our verbal contract when I asked him to comply with the LSA. I am afraid he won’t pay me for my time worked there, which he claims he will pay (not stating how much) on their regular payment schedule on the 25th and 26th of the following month.
    Is all there left for me to do is wait?
    I also came by a “bad” situation as to the negotiating of working and remuneration conditions. Before I went, he agreed to pay for work, offering free accomodation and vegetables from his farm for free, yet once I got there, he told me he could only pay me what we had agreed, that I would have to pay for accomodation and that I would have to buy the vegetables I wanted to eat from his farm. What can I do in this situation?

  18. I seem to recall seeing a tool for filtering Tokyo neighborhoods by various criteria like housing prices, but I can’t seem to find the link. Does anyone have it?

  19. Random question but did any of you managed to settled in at 30/35+ yo and get decent career start ?

    Im 29 now and on a working holiday visa, came to realisation that i’d like to stay here longer, but also realized i kinda messed up everything until now to make it happen, my japanese is nowhere enough, no hard skills, work experience is non-existent, my master degree seems to have no value and many other things

    I’m not gonna give up until my visa runs out, but the more realistic outcome as of today is i’ll have to get back home and work on all this, which will take years before i can give this another shot. That would take me in my mid 30s, don’t know if its stress speaking or something, but thinking about it makes me feel out of place

  20. Quick question about employment trial periods – are they 1) ok/legit in general?
    And 2) specifically this job offer says reduced pay for the 3 months and I wouldn’t get employment or health insurance until after the trial *if* they agree to keep me on.

    Bonus – this is for a small company of six people. They have a 手当 for the company trip. They pay this to you monthly and then you use it for the trip (the company doesn’t directly pay for the trip). What’s your feeling about that?
    Just looking for ideas to help formulate my opinion/decision, not wondering if it’s evil or not.

  21. Do you visit your home country frequently? More than once a year, once every 2 years or else?

    Do you save up for flight ticket? For how long?

    The trip aside, do you bring gifts for your family and acquaintances in homeland?

    What’s the time for you to go back?

    As a language student, which long vacation is worth it?

    I’m a language student working baito, can save up to 4 万 a month. I will likely spend nothing on anything else but travel expenses.

    What troubles me more is Visa status and such. Am I free to leave Japan at anytime? What things do I have to complete first?

    Thank you.

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