Looking for the Japanese name for the white cloth

That goes on the face of a deceased person. I’ve seen this in j dramas and anime. Is this practice actually done in Japan? Is it just a handkerchief? I am not talking about the triangular cloth pictured on yokai art.

I’ve spent hours on google and can’t find an answer.

Thank you for any help.


  1. It’s a shiroi nuno, literally, “white cloth”.

    Yes, it is used in funerals.

    FYI, the triangular cloth can be called a tenkan (天冠, heavenly/celestial crown), but is more often referred to as a boshi (hat), nuno (cloth), or zukin (hood).

    Shinto doesn’t have a concept of hell. It is more like the Greek Hades.

    Buddhism is more complicated when it comes to Jigoku.

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