The full NJPW Academy Spring 2023 Showcase is free on YouTube)

Haven’t watched it myself yet, but it seems like a neat little 2 hour show featuring the Academy students and some of their teachers/LA Dojo graduates.


– Fred Rosser vs Buck Skynyr

– Royce Isaacs vs Rudy Lockhart

– (Women’s Division) Samsara vs Mylo

– Dayton Cameron & Honest John vs J2 Mattioli & Michael Hopkins

– Alec Bullsdale, Elliot Qrow, Langi & Phil Godfrey vs El Primohenio Trebeca, Jordan Oasis, Red Williams & Alonzo Alvarez

– Calder McColl & James Tapia vs Kyriacos J. Toumbas & Mulligan

– Kevin Knight & The DKC vs Matt Vandagriff & Cameron Gates

– NJPW STRONG Women’s Division Match: Trish Adora vs Johnnie Robbie

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