Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 09 July 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. This might be answered somewhere else, so sorry ahead of time if I wasn’t able to find the appropriate resource.

    I’m a 正社員 on a regular engineer visa (Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services) and looking to potentially take on some contract work from my home country as a side-job. A few points:

    * It’s the same kind of work that I was approved on my visa for
    * My company allows multiple jobs
    * I’d like to do it as a 個人事業

    I have a few questions:

    * Is this likely to be allowed on my visa type? I found a lot of posts about people switching visas to *only* do freelance work but I just want a side gig.
    * Is there anywhere I can get an estimate how how much this would increase my tax rate overall? I purely want this number for some financial calculations but I can’t seem to find the right resource.
    * Are there any concerns I should have about my 厚生年金 or 健康保険? My company currently handles both of those for me.

  2. Managed to get approved for the Yucho debit card. I read somewhere online that it’s unable to be added to apple wallet to be used with Apple Pay. Is this still the case? The post was nearing a year old so I’m not certain.


  3. Anyone buy a steam deck? Playing it seems hard during the morning rush on trains.

  4. Not a baseball fan, but I have heard that many Americans consider arguing with the umpire or at least complaining about their calls to be a central, necessary, and thoroughly enjoyable part of the sport. I have to think this bit of baseball culture probably didn’t transfer over to Japan.

    Anyone go to baseball games? Ever see a Japanese baseball fan grouse about the ump? Have there been any famous quotes from Japanese pro players who move to the USA about this, or infamous incidents involving American players who come to Japan and try to carry over the aggression?

  5. I’ve been in Japan a couple of years but I’m a late-career transferee and came here with my non-Japanese wife, so there are plenty of things I don’t know that may be 当たり前 to old-timers. On my mind recently: How exactly does the fabled “pocket money” system for husbands work? If the husband is earning the only salary and joint accounts are not allowed (so I was told when I wanted one), how does the wife control anything? I have to handle the hassle of all my expenses and would love to let the wife deal with it. Thanks.

  6. Is it stupid to quit a job and take a 1 month break before starting a new job, in terms of health insurance and pension etc?

    I’m seriously considering this as I need a break from my current job before starting the new one, but am wondering what the impacts are to all the mandatory payments. Will the ward office immediately know and send me payments for the dates that I’m unemployed?

    I’m also planning to apply for PR in the future so I really don’t want this to be a blocker in case of late payments etc.

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